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Easy Fall Unit Studies for Homeschoolers

Now that fall is here, celebrate by going outside to enjoy the weather and by making hot apple cider! Here are some ways to celebrate in your homeschool, too, with these easy fall unit studies for homeschoolers!

Unit Studies for Homeschoolers

I love to celebrate our constantly changing world by creating unit studies surrounding the current season. This has the added benefit of keeping kids interested in learning and preventing boredom. It’s fun to add in seasonal activities when you can. These might have to do with the seasons of the year, holidays, or events that are happening in the world or your community. Combine all this together, and you have some terrific themed unit studies for homeschoolers.

Easy Fall Unit Studies for Homeschoolers

Choose Activities for Your Study

You can use these ideas to create a unit study centered on fall topics. All you need to do is choose an activity (or several!) for each subject you want to include.

Adjust Expectations According to Your Kids’ Ages

Do you have kids of various ages? No worries! Simply do the study or activity together and adjust expectations according to the ages/grade levels of each child.


Cook or Bake Together

Study Nature and the Outdoors

The study of nature is always a terrific addition to any unit studies for homeschoolers. Here are a few ideas:

unit studies for homeschoolers - father and son hiking the outdoors
  • Create fall crayon rubbings of leaves, rocks, acorns, pine cones, and other natural objects to learn more about their shapes.
  • This fall herb unit study is a fun way to learn all about herbs and which herbs naturally are produced in the fall.
  • You can also teach your older kids how to preserve fall leaves using a glycerine solution.
  • Not everyone celebrates Halloween, but even if you don’t, your kids will appreciate the gross science behind these Halloween science experiments.
  • Extract color from leaves with this fall chromatography experiment. Kids will love doing this over and over again!

Do These Life Cycle Mini Unit Studies for Homeschoolers

These mini unit studies and mini books will round out your kids’ education nicely.

Literature and Language Arts:

No unit studies for homeschoolers are complete without literature and language arts aspects.

Arts and Crafts:

unit studies for homeschoolers - mother and child doing an art project together


Yes, contrary to popular opinion, there are ways to make math fun, and this is something you definitely want to try as you put together your fall-themed unit studies for homeschoolers.

More Ideas for Fall Unit Studies for Homeschoolers:

Pick and choose from the ideas and activities we’ve listed here or make up some of your own! But no matter what you do with your children this fall, have some fun learning together! 

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