3 Reasons to Reevaluate Your Homeschool in January
January is typically a time of resolutions and goal setting. So why not Reevaluate Your Homeschool in January too?
Hip Homeschool Moms. A Vibrant Community for Homeschooling Families.
January is typically a time of resolutions and goal setting. So why not Reevaluate Your Homeschool in January too?
In a world full of distractions and endless activities, teaching our kids to wisely manage time is crucial. Here are 6 tips to teach your kids time management.
Does it seem like clutter can pile up in the blink of an eye in your house? And there’s just something about clutter that bothers me WAY more than dust! Even though clutter can pile up easily, it can also be sorted through and dealt with just as easily. Here are a few quick clutter…
When Molly Ferrie started homeschooling her children a couple of years ago, she knew she wanted a dedicated homeschool room. Some moms (like me!) enjoy doing school in the living room piled up on the couch or even outside on a blanket in the yard on nice days. Some moms, though, dream of having a…
Are you in the process of figuring out how to juggle working from home and homeschooling? As active homeschooling moms who have also been working from home for the last 9 or 10 years, we (Wendy and Trish) know that it is not always easy! Being able to do it all from home can sound…
I have been fascinated with the concept of the 10-item wardrobe for a while now. If you haven’t heard of it, the idea is that you winnow down your clothing stash until you have a base of ten (yes, you read that right) items which you can mix and match for almost all of your sartorial…
One of the biggest problems that homeschooling families face is how to keep the house clean. Living in a space constantly, particularly with little kids around, makes it a challenge to keep things clean. We have struggled in this area in the past, but along the way, we’ve found some action steps that have allowed…
Got a big mess of art stuff and not sure how to go about getting from disaster to sanity? I used these five steps to organize homeschool art supplies in my very small living space. I hope they can help you too! Looking for resources on how to teach art in your homeschool, art project ideas or…
It hasn’t always been common knowledge that toddlers and preschoolers are capable of successfully performing tasks to help keep the house clean. But now, as a society, we are finally catching up a bit more with wonderful teaching methods like The Montessori Method, and we are starting to help our children get on the right…
If you have been looking for ways to save money and be more eco-friendly as you clean your home, look no further. Here we have put together an amazing round-up of homemade recipes that will not only make your home beautifully clean (because they work so well), but they will also save you money. These…
Organization. Did your heart just skip a happy beat at the thought of this word? Or do you feel otherwise? I cherish all things related to organization. It is not as if I have it all together by any means! On the contrary, my ADHD brain could not thrive without routines and organization. My brain…
In this final installment I’ll be examining Libib.com and offering some advice on which tool I recommend overall to manage your home library. Let’s start things off with an overview of Libib. Just like Goodreads and LibraryThing, Libib offers users a way to simply catalog their home libraries for free. The two elements that make Libib rise…