5 Easy Ways to Add Exercise Into Your Day
Check out these 5 Easy Ways to Add Exercise Into Your Day…. with little to no interruption of your day!
Hip Homeschool Moms. A Vibrant Community for Homeschooling Families.
Check out these 5 Easy Ways to Add Exercise Into Your Day…. with little to no interruption of your day!
Let’s talk about physical exercise for our homeschooling kids during winter. Does your family spend most of the winter class time indoors? If so, getting some physical exercise is important to burn off some of that energy! Let’s look at some traditional and not-so-traditional ideas of ways to keep active during the long winter season….
Where I live we recently came through a period of 11 straight days with zero sunshine. ZERO. In eleven days. And our glimpses of sunlight have been few and far between even since then! Talk about winter blues! It may be even worse where you live. While we’ve dealt with gray skies and lots of…
Happy new year from me (Wendy) and all of us at Hip Homeschool Moms! Each New Year is a time when many of us decide to make changes in our lives that we’ve been putting off or dreading. I was reading an email from a personal trainer that I follow, and he mentioned that some…
Most of us love the way exercise makes us feel, but sometimes we still have a hard time figuring out how to fit it into our busy lifestyles. When the weather is hot (like it is now), and you’re busy trying to juggle work, family, play, errands and other obligations, exercise is one of the…
It crosses your mind from time to time. It may even be penciled in on your schedule. But it’s one of those things that falls off all too easily if you’re anything like me. Yup, I’m talking about exercise. Exercising with kids, to be precise – whether they join you or not! We know…
“So, how far along are you?” asked the woman at the gym as she eyed the slight bump on my stomach and then looked at me skeptically. I’d never met her before, but we both stood in the aerobics room after stretching class, a light 45 minutes of slowing breathing and flexibility-enhancing exercises. “Twenty weeks,”…
I just gave birth to my fifth child about 5 weeks ago. With each pregnancy, I tend to gain a little more weight. I eat healthy and stay active, but my body just does it. As my 6 week check-up draws near, I know I’ll be cleared for exercise. I also still fit comfortabley into…
Whether you homeschool or not, there are going to be days when you feel overwhelmed. We tend to keep ourselves busy with everything from housework to kid’s programs to church meetings to hobbies. I you’re like me, you have a never ending to-do list when you wake up each morning. But sometimes the overwhelmed days…
So far this year we have played basketball, baseball/softball, tennis, and done swimming. We are currently playing soccer and are about to cycle through the seasons one more time with basketball beginning early winter. When I was in high school, I played on the badminton team, a sport you would probably be hard pressed to…
Start off your homeschool year right. Get healthy! Just like New Year’s resolutions, we homeschool moms want to set goals for a new school year. We create schedules, routines, and habits that we hope are better for our families. We focus on three areas to keep our family healthy and evaluate these areas frequently to…
Finding time to balance living healthy and being a homeschooling mom is difficult. It can especially be difficult to find the time (and energy) to exercise while juggling grading papers, cooking meals, and doing housework. Luckily, BalleNess makes it easy by providing online exercise instruction and dance classes. Her classes provide the experience of a…