3 Ways to Celebrate the Little Things in Your Homeschool This Year
The homeschool life is a busy life full of challenges, making it so important to celebrate the little things each day. And here’s how.
Hip Homeschool Moms. A Vibrant Community for Homeschooling Families.
The homeschool life is a busy life full of challenges, making it so important to celebrate the little things each day. And here’s how.
We’ve got some great ideas of ways you can intentionally slow down and savor the holiday season with your family this year.
I don’t know about you, but sometimes I feel like we moms are in a competition to see which of us can be the most crazy busy! Are you competing for the busyness trophy? Does it feel like you’re addicted to busyness, whether you want this lifestyle or not? Are you running from one activity…
Can I whisper something to you? There is no greater calling than the one God has already put you right in the middle of. I’ve learned this the hard way. We seek the big time before we’ve mastered little league. I’ve sought the big time, and boy have I sucked at little league. I’ve quested…
Happy new year from me (Wendy) and all of us at Hip Homeschool Moms! Each New Year is a time when many of us decide to make changes in our lives that we’ve been putting off or dreading. I was reading an email from a personal trainer that I follow, and he mentioned that some…
As we get ready for fall and the holiday season, it’s a great time to start talking with your kids about being grateful. I don’t know about your kids, but mine don’t know how good they have it. They have no idea how privileged they are to stay home and do school while wearing pajamas….
Whether you homeschool or not, there are going to be days when you feel overwhelmed. We tend to keep ourselves busy with everything from housework to kid’s programs to church meetings to hobbies. I you’re like me, you have a never ending to-do list when you wake up each morning. But sometimes the overwhelmed days…
We homeschool moms spend almost every bit of time taking care of the kids: teaching, feeding, pouring ourselves into them. I know I find myself at the end of most days spent to the last drop. I look back and realize I didn’t use any time taking care of myself. I’m not talking about “ME”…
“Why can’t you get more done than this?” Even when I try to drown it out, I hear this often. It doesn’t matter what area of my life we’re talking about. House cleaning, educating my child, being a Godly wife to my husband, spending time in God’s Word. It sounds the same each time…..”Why can’t…
With Thanksgiving approaching, and then Christmas, the commercial frenzy begins earlier and earlier each year. With the lights and festive decorations comes a spirit of discontent and selfishness. It’s a most difficult job to teach my children to be ever grateful in a society that places Über importance on instant gratification and more things. I…
So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live your lives in him, rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness. ~Colossians 2:6-7 I don’t know about you, but I have a hard time getting my children to maintain a thankful…
Recently, my six year old asked me if he could buy a piggy bank with his own money. I told him he didn’t need one because he already has a “bank” his Grandpa built for him. It’s a beautiful wooden box, complete with an old style post office mail box door. Each one of our…