You Don’t Have to Teach Homeschool High School Math
Struggling with the idea of teaching your kids homeschool high school math? You don’t have to! But that doesn’t mean they don’t need to learn it. Here are some resources that might help!
Hip Homeschool Moms. A Vibrant Community for Homeschooling Families.
Struggling with the idea of teaching your kids homeschool high school math? You don’t have to! But that doesn’t mean they don’t need to learn it. Here are some resources that might help!
Check out this helpful roundup of posts gathered from homeschool websites on the topic of homeschooling high school.
Do you have a child in middle school? Are you planning on homeschooling them through high school? If so, now is the time to plan for high school.
There are so many articles out there about homeschooling high school. Homeschooling high school with college in mind, homeschooling high school with AP courses, homeschooling high school without curriculum, etc. Whether you have already graduated one or more of your children or are preparing for homeschooling high school for the first time, I’m sure you’ve…
When heading off to a place like a zoo or a museum, it can be helpful to have an activity on hand to keep the children busy and interested. Scavenger hunts are a great way to do this! They keep the kids paying attention, asking questions, and eager to see each thing in anticipation of…
Outside of academics, there are some very important life skills for teens to learn. By the time our students are in high school or are preparing to finish high school, they need to be able to accomplish these on their own. These skills will be important for them as they transition from school to independent…
One of the benefits of homeschooling high school (or homeschooling in general) for that matter, is the freedom to choose what and how your children will learn something. One of the ways to teach a subject is through a given curriculum. Through our years of homeschooling, I have come across many homeschool high school history…
“My son got a full-tuition scholarship to college because he ate a protein bar during the ten-minute break of the ACT.” It’s true! There are many ways to help your child improve ACT scores. In this article, you’ll hear from Test Prep Mom about how a simple protein bar helped her son raise his ACT…
Some of us were blessed with children who love reading. Others of us have children who need more encouragement to learn to love reading. Reading is an important part of life. Whether you’re reading for information, reading for fun, or reading because it’s required for school or work, reading is part of life for most…
Math. Most people either love it or…well…don’t love it. 😉 But it’s a necessary subject, and it’s one most students can learn to love if you find the right curriculum. Math was my best subject in school, and it’s been very difficult teaching it to my teenage daughter since it’s a subject she doesn’t love…
Two great things about teens are their fearlessness and their energy! (Well, ok, their energy once we’re able to pry them out of bed in the morning!) These two characteristics may be the very ones that cause them to get into so much trouble, too. So how about channeling that fearlessness and extra energy in…
Are you a homeschooling parent who is considering leading your student (or students) through a study of Shakespeare? Maybe you’re excited to get started, but you’re also feeling nervous because he is, you know, Shakespeare: the father of Western poetry and drama, the guy whose plays are taught in every contemporary schoolroom. No pressure. As…