You Don’t Have to Teach Homeschool High School Math
Yes, you read that right. You don’t have to teach homeschool high school math! Here’s the catch though; just because you don’t have to teach it doesn’t mean they don’t have to learn it.

Many people don’t think they can homeschool through high school because they don’t believe they can teach the subjects–especially math. Let’s face it, most of us adults have been out of the upper-level high school math scene for many, many years!
The good news is that you don’t have to be able to teach homeschool high school math. You just have to find the right curriculum to do it for you!
Math is a subject we have talked about a lot in our house. Having different children with varying educational needs caused us to do research and try different things. Our math journey took us over many years, through many curricula, and on many ups and downs.
A couple of major things I have learned about high school math are:
- Math is difficult for many kids.
- Math can be hard to teach.
- Not all programs are created equal.
- It’s ok to ditch it if it isn’t working.
- When you find the right curriculum, it may not be perfect, but it becomes manageable.
Homeschool High School Math
If there is one thing homeschooling high school has taught me, it is to “farm” things out. As our kids grow into the middle school and high school years, we should be working towards more and more independence for them.
By their high school years, we are more there for guidance and accountability than the everyday grind of teaching and getting their work done. For this reason, the curriculum that I choose for high school is more about my student being taught by the curriculum (video-based and computer interactive programs are great for this) or about my teen learning to do the leg work, reading, etc. on her own.
That said, here are some terrific math programs that mean you don’t have to teach high school math … yet you’re making sure your kids are still learning what they need!
- CTCMath for Homeschoolers – CTCMath offers discounts for homeschoolers and has all grade levels from kindergarten through calculus. This online curriculum was an absolute game-changer in our household! I highly recommend it for any homeschool parent struggling with teaching math–whether in high school or any other grade level.
- Teaching Textbooks – Teaching Textbooks offers free placement tests to determine the level your student needs. Then enjoy sitting back and letting your child work through the lessons and practice problems. All levels are on CD and offer automated grading (except pre-calculus).
- Khan Academy – Khan Academy is FREE and offers high school math from algebra through calculus.
- Mr. D Math – This runs from pre-algebra through pre-calculus, offering both video as well as live interactive classes.
- Saxon Math + DIVE – The lessons in the Saxon textbook are not the complete lesson. That’s why John Saxon recommended an experienced Saxon instructor who could connect the incremental lessons, building complex concepts that are easy to understand. DIVE gives you that expert instruction!
While the field does narrow some when it comes to teaching high school math, there are many great options for you to choose from. Due to the extensive number of resources out there for homeschoolers these days, it is possible for you to homeschool through high school WITHOUT having to actually teach high school math!
More on Homeschool Math
Looking for tips on teaching math to younger students? Maybe you have older ones nearing the high school years but also need some help on teaching math to your littles. These articles provide some great resources for homeschool parents in the subject of math.
15 Easy Ways to Teach Math in the Kitchen
5 Strategies for Coping with Math Anxiety in Your Homeschool
5 Ways to Give Your Kids the Math Help They Need
No wonder so many of us find Saxon Math so hard to complete without tears!! I never heard about the DIVE part of the curriculum.
My family had used CTC Math, we’ve also used A+ math and (back when it was my teacher). My kids all had positive things to say. From elementary school math to Algebra, they all love online learning as their base. We add in in person & hands on learning as we go along.
Art Reed has videos for Saxon math that many kids like better than the DIVE cd and they are shorter. If you email him with any problems you are having he will email you back or call you. He also has a book out on teaching Saxon math. He spent at least 20 minutes on the phone with my son and me giving lots of hints and tips.
So happy to know that I don’t have to re-learn it all; I know I could but I’d rather not.
Tablet class is another option. Most of my kids did great with Teaching Textbooks, but one was still struggling. We decided to give Tablet Class a try, and she loves it. I love it too since she he hasn’t had to ask me for help at all and she is in Algebra 2!
Should I just google tablet math?
I haven’t heard of it, but this is the site that comes up in Google and I am assuming that is it.