The Tuttle Twins Learn About the Law Review & Giveaway
Below you will find reviews of The Tuttle Twins Learn About the Law. Be sure to read all the way to the bottom to find out how you can buy (or possibly win!) a copy of the print book for your children! Also, you’ll find information about an activity workbook that’s now available to go along with the book.
Heidi loved the “take aways” in this book!
I am often on the look out for books that make seemingly difficult things more understandable for children. I love that The Tuttle Twins Learn About the Law does this for children. While it is not written in a way that would appeal to all (definitely written towards the younger audience), it is wonderfully written for the ages they are seeking to serve this book up to! With full color images and short easy to digest sentences, this is a great book to help introduce your children to concepts like liberty and the rights of mankind.
My favorite part of the book is the notebooks that the twins keep while they are learning about the law from their neighbor, Fred. Emily’s first entry is, “We have rights.” What the Tuttle Twins write in their journals is a great summary to help our children highlight what was important to gain from this book.
Important “Take-Aways” from The Tuttle Twins Learn About the Law:
- We have rights.
- Our rights are from God.
- We have a conscience.
- Stealing is always wrong.
- Bad guys can be in government.
- We should help people.
- True laws protect people.
Heather is ready to teach her children about the history of the United States!
This next year my children will be learning about the history of our very own United States of America. I am stoked to be able to go through our country’s past with my kids. This is my very favorite part of history. There is something about the Revolutionary War and the birth of our Constitution that gets my educational enthusiasm going. Because of my love for America and its history, I was thrilled to review the book, The Tuttle Twins Learn About the Law.
This is a children’s book that focuses on what “Law” truly means. This story caters to the child’s mind, speaking at his/her level. There are no fancy legal-like phrases to confuse the kids. Although fictitious in nature, the story gets serious about one specific written piece of work by a famous French man named, Frederic Bastiat. This work is called, “The Law,” which has been translated from French to English. “The Law” was originally a pamphlet written in 1850, but the message holds true today.
The actual written work of Bastiat is a bit difficult to read, and I would never expect my children to understand it at their ages – even my 11-year-old. It’s a bit hard for me to understand! Writing a children’s book which breaks down this difficult political read is a wonderful concept. It really does help kids understand what Bastiat was passionate about.
Connor Boyack, the author of The Tuttle Twins Learn About the Law, has provided an interesting read for children. It is not dull or boring or overly long. The illustrations are beautifully done and clear, keeping the children’s attention. The book is paperback, though, and I would like to see children’s books as hardback only because children are like little destroyers. Paperback books don’t last long with little fingers.
The book also displays a great relationship that the Tuttle Twins have with their neighbor, a wise old man. Today, children lack strong mentors, so I liked how this was demonstrated in the story. I wish that today’s kids had the same kind of respect shown by the Tuttle Twins.
As for the message of the book:
I try not to get too much into politics with my blogging, but since this children’s book has a strong political message, I must open up. Much of the message in this book revolves around the centerpiece that we have God-given rights of life, liberty, and property. Of course, being a Christian, I understand and support this concept. Both my husband and I (as well as many of the people we know) support less government. We support less nonsense and fewer ridiculous laws. We support fewer taxes. I want to see people working hard for what they have instead of it being handed out like candy. But I also support what the Bible says too (Romans 13:1-14).
There is a portion of this children’s book that has me not knowing how to compose my review. That is why I have given you a sliver of my political position above.
As seen in the image, a police officer is portrayed as a “bad guy” burglarizing a home to steal something to give to another citizen. This is an example given to the reader (our children) to help understand the concept of taxes, or as the book puts it, “Legal Plunder.” I believe that this is just used as an example. I don’t think the writer truly believes that cops do this.
However, in several spots the story states that some in the government are “bad guys.” This is in the same segment as the burglarizing policeman. Now, we all know that there are “bad guys” in this world. There are “bad guys” in government just as much as there are “bad guys” in any other area of life. Of course I want my children to understand this so they are not naïve when they become adults and have a voice in the political arena. I want my children to have discernment to make wise political choices. But to use the image of a cop dressed up as a bad guy, in my opinion, is a mistake. Images stick. As the wife of a police officer, this was offensive to me.
On the positive side, this book did provide an excellent opener for a conversation with my 11-year-old on what our government should and should not be doing. I want my kids to be comfortable standing up for what they believe in, and this was suggested in the book.
Danielle wants to teach her boys about liberty, justice, and personal freedom!
One of the reasons my husband and I decided to homeschool our three boys was a desire to guide them as they learn to filter for themselves the constant barrage of messages the world would have them blindly accept as truth. The concepts of liberty, justice and personal freedom are too fundamentally important to understand to be dictated by the whims of the media and popular culture. I was very much looking forward to the chance to review the first installment of a new series of books intended to help parents walk their children through the political and economic principles of liberty, called The Tuttle Twins Learn About the Law by Connor Boyack.
From the TuttleTwins Website:
How do you describe liberty to a 7-year-old? Should your preteen care about the government? Are your kids learning about proper political principles in class?
For too long, parents have been at the mercy of professional curriculum developers to instruct their children. History is watered down, key principles omitted altogether, and time and attention given to things of lesser importance. Freedom-loving parents have long been left alone to shoulder the burden of educating their children and passing down a love of liberty.
What I Enjoyed:
- I appreciate the concept of this book and the eventual series it introduces.
- I like the idea of taking a complex but important piece of literature (Frederic Bastiat’s The Law) and making it interesting, approachable and understandable for a younger generation.
- I love that Ethan and Emily are inquisitive, respectful, bright and eager young twins who seek the wisdom to be gained by their kind and trusted neighbor, Fred.
- The illustrations in the book are very well done and I truly enjoyed the bright and cheery pictures on each page.
Critical Observations:
It is my opinion that some of the analogies Fred uses to illustrate his point to Ethan & Emily are not adequately presented to the young reader in an entirely appropriate manner. My husband and I wholeheartedly agree with the assertions being put forth by the author, but the overly simplistic and almost lecture-type tone in which this book is written left me feeling uneasy at times.
I believe this book can be a great conversation starter within your family. I can honestly say it has inspired me to read Frederic Bastiat’s The Law for a greater depth to my own understanding of the subject matter. I can admit I have the tendency to gloss over political issues and ideas with the boys because I struggle to find the right ways to instill a passion for liberty, justice & freedom into my children without also imparting my personal dissatisfaction and frustration with many aspects of our governmental system. While I assert there are a few things left to be desired throughout these pages, I entirely support this book’s mission in helping children learn about political and economic principles in a fun and engaging manner!
To buy your own copy of the book and the new activity workbook:
Visit this link to buy your copy of the book.
Visit this link to buy your copy of the new activity workbook. (The activity workbook is a 25-page document full of fun activities for children including coloring pages, crossword puzzle, maze, word search, word scramble, mad lib, study questions, and more!) On sale this week!
To win a copy:
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This is just beyond awesome!!!! What a better way to learn than though the tuttle twins I have a slight fascination with anything to do with twins 😉
Looks like my kids would enjoy this book.
This looks like the perfect book to go along with my 3 third grade daughters’ studies next year of US history! Thanks for reviewing and sharing!
This is awesome!
This looks like a great book for our homeschooling adventures. Can’t wait to read it with our son!
Wow, my husband’s second favorite book (behind The Bible) is now in a children’s version. Hip hip hooray! What an amazing introduction to critical abstract concepts for our little ones. I am eager to incorporate this book into our home school curriculum. We thought we would have to wait years to be able to get into the meat and bones of “The Law”, but we might be able to jump start it sooner than later. Thank you for sharing this, the wheels are turning! 🙂
This would be an easy and fun way for my crew (and for me!) to learn more about what the Law really is and what that means for us.
Sounds like a great book, I would love to win a copy.
Would love to win this!!
I just bought the entire collection with a discount applied. I was worried I made a poor decision until I FINALLY stumbled onto your blog! I was seconds from calling and canceling.
I’m in Cali where so many of our teachers are trying to push their views onto our kids. It’s a struggle that I experienced with my older one. She viewed her teachers as “cooler older teenagers” as opposed to “my mom”. I’ve had to (repeatedly) open up britannica encyclopedia to go deeper in history’s as the “teachers” brushed the tip of the iceberg.
I hope theses books will help me “reformat” (Lol) my older ones brain (14yo) and start formatting my current 5yo!
Thank you for your honest review.