DIY Herbal Play Dough to Teach Phonics
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DIY Herbal Play Dough to Teach Phonics

Teaching kids to read is so much fun, isn’t it? I’m currently teaching my fourth daughter to read, and it’s definitely time well invested. It’s so fulfilling for me to watch my older girls avidly read good books and opening up whole new worlds of learning and adventure, knowing I played a large part in helping…

American Revolution Activities for Kids
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American Revolution Activities for Kids

If you’d like a fun and easy freestyle unit study to do with your children this summer, this is it! Around Independence Day is a great time to learn about the American Revolution, but of course you can study it any time that works into your schedule. This is so easy (All you need are…

Studying Art with Papier-mâché Mary Cassatt Art Lesson
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Studying Art with Papier-mâché Mary Cassatt Art Lesson

What child doesn’t love making papier-mâché?! Creating something out of papier-mâché is something most students absolutely love! It’s a little bit messy, very hands-on, and children can create a huge variety of things just for fun or to go along with something you’re studying in your homeschool. Whether you just want to have fun with papier-mâché…

Homeschooling Ideas for Toddlers
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Homeschooling Ideas for Toddlers

Toddlers are so much fun! They are active, curious, affectionate, and just plain fun! And while we don’t recommend spending much sit-down-at-a-desk learning time for toddlers, it’s still a great time to start teaching your little ones since toddlers are naturally curious and ready to learn and explore. If you’d like some great homeschooling ideas for…

An Easy Way to Include Art in Your Homeschool
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An Easy Way to Include Art in Your Homeschool

It can be hard to get the basic subjects done each day in our homeschools! I’ve been homeschooling for 19 years, and I think every single year I feel like I’ve left out something important. Art is one of those subjects. And I know I’m not the only one! I’ve heard from so many moms…

Bubble Challenge

Bubble Challenge

What is it with bubbles? We all have a fascination with them and love playing with them! Here is a bubble challenge that looks fun (and challenging). Let’s add the images to our Instagram Challenge already happening #365homeschool. Besides just #HipHomeschoolMoms hashtag, lets add #bubblechallenge to the list. Remember with Instagram, the more hashtags, the…