Periodic Table of Elements Project with Cookies
Have you ever wondered how to make learning about the Periodic Table more fun and more interesting? How about this Periodic Table of Elements Project with Cookies? Many students love to learn (and retain more of what they learn) when they do something hands-on. And hands-on projects definitely increase the fun! While it’s true that our children can’t and won’t enjoy every single thing they ever learn in our homeschools, it sure is nice when we come across a fun idea like this one for turning something that seems not to be so much fun into something that is truly fun for everyone involved!
Periodic Table of Elements Project
This Periodic Table of Elements Project would likely be too big a project for most families, but for several families it was amazing. We made this Periodic Table of Elements with cookies at our homeschool co-op. It was pretty neat. Each of the moms teaching a science class made cookies for the children in her class. Then each of the kids decorated a cookie during class with a chemical symbol. Afterward, they all brought their element cookies to our lunchroom table!
We found this idea in our Apologia Exploring Creation with Chemistry and Physics books. Our co-op uses the same book for every grade from 1-6 ( 7th and 8th use other designated Apologia texts) so that each family needs only one textbook that all the students in that family can use together. It’s also awesome to do the same chapters each week so that. from time to time, we can come together for activities and presentations. (Another example of this, besides this Periodic Table of Elements project, was the year we used Flying Creatures of the Fifth Day and had a local college come in and talk to us about chickens and incubators. So it’s a real benefit for us all to “be on the same page”- literally.)
Not using Apologia? Jefferson Lab is a nice online resource for science that’s quick and easy for a list of elements, and you can get statistics and information on each one.
I think the kids enjoyed frosting the cookies as much as eating them, which means something about the Periodic Table of Elements had to stick! It was a fun team work project as well. There really isn’t anything more fun than edible science, is there?
If you like this project, be sure to check out this awesome edible cell cookie project.