Time for You
Do you feel stressed and need some time for you? Want to know a way to feel better?
I can’t say that I am never stressed, as I am a homeschooling mother with six children. Stress is just sometimes part of the job description! I keep my stress level at bay, though, with one simple tip.
It doesn’t take a lot of money. You don’t even have to go to the gym. Get a good video, grab your running/walking shoes {and a friend if you wish}, and get moving.
You’ll feel better! I promise you will. I can tell you from personal experience.
I had never taken that time for myself. I was always busy from nursing babies. I thought I was too busy/fat/depressed to even care about working out, but when I turned 30 something had to give. I decided that I would love myself for the 1x girl I had become and be happy. That lasted for about a week, and I then realized that I deserved so much more.
I bought a workout DVD {Turbo Jam} and started sweating it up. Within a few months I had lost about 30 pounds, was feeling happier, and most importantly, I found that my stress levels were at the lowest I could remember.
I then kicked my eating into healthy gear, started a more intense workout program, and lost a total of 78 pounds in 10 months.
At a size 6, I was thinner than I thought I would become, and 3 sizes smaller than had been my goal. I had found my secret to feeling less stress. I punched, kicked, jumped, and lifted it away.
Taking that hour a day for myself makes me a better person to be around, and if I miss a few workouts I can totally feel it. I hope you will take that time for you. Find something you like and just go do it.
You can see my before and after pictures on my blog if you are as curious as I am about that sort of thing. I warn you though, it is pretty scary. I also write a weekly fitness post, Stick With It Saturday, as a way to keep my ongoing fitness accountable.
Samantha is a Christian homeschooling mom of six, married to Rick, her high school sweetheart. Rick was called to be a preacher, and Samantha was called to homeschool. She loves blogging about their journey. She is interested in Bible study, photography, exercise, organizing, and sweet tea. You can find Samantha blogging at Sam’s Noggin as well as on Twitter or Facebook.
Hopped over to read and so needing this post today! We’re changing up our eating to go more with the word of wisdom and I’ve felt really impressed that one thing I can do right now to help life when I have a C-section for this special needs baby Mason is to be exercising and strengthening my core as much as I can so recovery goes well. I need the kick in the rear to make time to exercise- at 21 weeks pregnant with baby # 7 I simply don’t feel up to it most days, but I know I’ll feel better if I do it. Thanks for the encouragement!
I hope to be exercising for baby #7 in the future. 🙂 Good luck!
We’re exercising with baby #7 on board, too. Actually, I’m sitting right now, but try to get in at least some walking on the path hubby made out back, or some yoga with the others. Definitely a stress-reliever.
Good luck!
Time for me????
I need to get some!
Good thoughts, cheers!
Yes, time for you. 😉 It does wonders I tell you.
You are a inspiration, thank you
Thank you, Renee.
I love this post Sam. Turbo Jam ROCKS! But what I find truly significant is your perspective on exercise being ME time. It is so true. Such a gift to be able to take care of yourself in this way and invest time and energy and see change unfold right before your eyes ! Thanks for sharing your journey! You made exercise and watching what you eat..into a gift not a chore !
It was a gift, and still is. Thank you for your kind comments.
Hi Sam!
What an amazing testimony your weight loss story is! Thank you for sharing it–I am inspired! This is definitely the next area I need to work on in my life. Well, the Lord and I. Definitely not “I” alone! I’ve got the Bible reading into my schedule now each morning–I have felt like I cannot fit in both exercise and Bible reading–just not enough time in the morning. That may be true, but I see now that I need to look at other times in the evening to fit that exercise time in. Thank you for your inspiration!
You are more than welcome!
i am about to start bellydancing classes on thursday nights… i cant wait to feel better about myself.. i am 28 sahm of a 4,3, 17month and 1 month old.. i also lost a baby this past aug (2010) so my body is tired…i didnt excersize before kids and dont like excersizing but im gonna start walking and bellydancing and pray it helps.. you are an inspiration and i hope to be losing weight soon enough
Good luck losing, although Turbo Jam is about as dance-y as I could ever get. 😉
Great article Sam! I am now working out 3x a week with my DH and his trainer. It’s entertaining to be with all the guys and I am getting so much stronger even in 6 weeks. It’s helping me A LOT with my stress levels.
Go you!