* This post may contain affiliate links or sponsored content. * This is post #2 of a series in which I answer questions collected for me from the Hip Homeschool Moms Community about what it was like to grow up homeschooled. The first post in the series had to do with my favorite memory of…
* This post may contain affiliate links or sponsored content. * YOU CAN ENTER THEM HERE Can’t find where to enter the giveaways? Scroll to the bottom of this post to get directions… The 2015 Back to Homeschool Giveaway is LIVE! Every day (August 3-9) we will share a new post with links to each…
* This post may contain affiliate links or sponsored content. * Yes! It’s true! The Hip Homeshool Moms family is growing! You may already know that we (Wendy and Trish) own Hip Homeschool Moms. But we also own some other sites we’d love to tell you about if you don’t already know about them. And…
* This post may contain affiliate links or sponsored content. * 30 Days of Christmas Picture Books Most homeschooling families love books! Many of us have bookshelves full of books, stacks of books by the bed, books on the coffee table, and even books in the car (in case you get stuck in traffic and…
* This post may contain affiliate links or sponsored content. * As a mom who has homeschooled for 14 years, I often get questions from new or potential homeschooling moms. Most moms who homeschool their children honestly want to do what’s best for their children. They want to provide their children with the best education…
* This post may contain affiliate links or sponsored content. * If you’re interested in fun (and eduational!) family travel with other homeschooling families, here’s where you can find out about our future ♥ HEART ♥ trip opportunities with Homeschool Road Trips (a division of Hip Homeschool Moms). For those who are new, HEART stands for…
Love this hop! Thanks for hosting and have a great week.
Love this hop! Thanks for hosting and have a great week.
Thanks for giving me the opportunity to circulate! I love getting fresh new ideas from others!
Linky is closed for this collection … oh man … I wanted to link-up this week.