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Review of Apologia’s Online General Science Class for Middle School

Review of Apologia’s Online General Science Class for Middle School Our son began his 8th grade year as a homeschooler this past fall. He has been homeschooled from the start, and we’ve always chosen his curriculum using an eclectic approach, mostly with the intent of catering to his strengths while moving his weaknesses forward at…

Sherri Seligson and marine life

Discover the Mysteries of the Ocean Depths Apologia Facebook Party

Join Sherri Seligson, homeschool mom, marine biologist, and author of Exploring Creation with Marine Biology, 2nd Edition on a fascinating discussion of the underwater eco-system and the creatures that inhabit it. Immerse yourself into a whole new world!     Thursday evening, June 8th at 8:00 pm Central we will be hosting a Facebook Party…

Apologia HSTA 2017 Gold Sponsor

Apologia HSTA 2017 Gold Sponsor

  Apologia Educational Ministries is the #1 publisher of creation-based science and Bible curriculum with more than fifty top awards from homeschool parents and media. The resources we publish and services we provide are designed to help homeschooling families learn, live, and defend the Christian faith.  Apologia Online Academy offers interactive courses in science, Bible, worldview,…

Apologia Advanced Physics in Creation

Equal to one year of university physics course, this is advanced placement physics for the high school student who wishes to either major in a science-related field, or is intensely interested in the scientific realm of Physics!

This course provides detailed descriptions of kinematics, dynamics, rotational motion, gravity, oscillations, waves, optics, thermal physics, electrical forces, electrical potential, DC circuits, magnetic forces, atomic physics, and nuclear physics. Lessons are retained through “On your own” activities, charts illustrating concepts, examples, lab exercises, tests and more.

Prerequisites: One year of high school physics and a trigonometry course.

Apologia Advanced Chemistry in Creation

Deepen your understanding of Chemistry with Apologia’s Exploring Creation with Advanced Chemistry, 2nd Edition. This rigorous course covers stoichiometry (with limiting reactants), thermodynamics, kinetics, acids and bases, redox reactions, solutions, atomic structure, orbital hybridization, molecular orbitals, molecular geometry, chemical equilibrium, and nuclear chemistry. An introduction to organic chemistry is also included, focusing on the major functional groups, organic nomenclature, and polymer chemistry.

28 hours of lab exercises are provided, including the rate of an iodine clock reaction, distillation, chromatography, the common ion effect, measuring pH changes in a buffer, the electrolysis of copper sulfate, polymerization experiments, and the hydrolysis of sucrose. When a student has finished this course (designed to be taken after a college-prep course), he or she will be prepared to take an AP or CLEP exam.

Color illustrations help keep concepts clear, while study questions, laboratory exercises, module study guides, and extra practice problems ensure that concepts are properly understood, and may be practically applied.

Prerequisites: Algebra II and a Chemistry college preparatory course such as Exploring Creation with Chemistry.

Apologia Exploring Creation with Marine Biology

Dive into this comprehensive curriculum and get an up-close look at peculiar creatures and exotic environments that exist in the wonderful world below the surface of Earth’s ocean! Sixteen modules cover marine vertebrates and invertebrates, intertidal zones, estuary communities, coral reefs, continental shelf communities, deep ocean habitats, and more. Hands-on experiments require microscope and dissection equipment. Includes a 190-page test/solutions book. 462 pages, hardcover. This course is designed for high school seniors or for students whose parents feel that they are sufficiently prepared for the demands of this advanced course.

Apologia Advanced Biology in Creation

Updated with new textual material, beautiful illustrations, and a greater emphasis on connecting creation to the Creator! Designed to prepare older high school students for the Advanced Placement (AP) or College Level Examination (CLEP) tests, this fully revised curriculum is intended for teens who have successfully completed high school biology and chemistry. Sixteen modules cover human anatomy and physiology, including the skeletal, nervous, endocrine, lymphatic, digestive, respiratory, and reproductive systems. Student text includes study questions, laboratory exercises, and illustrated module study guides. Solutions-and-tests manual includes exams and answer key. 588-page hardcover and 121-page softcover, from Apologia.

Apologia Exploring Creation with Physics

A curriculum in motion tends to stay in motion—and Dr. Wile’s award-winning physics course just keeps getting better! Offering outstanding college-prep instruction, it now features color illustrations, 50% more experiments, expanded discussions of light and optics, extra practice problems, and direction to online resources. Covers vector analysis, Newton’s laws, work and energy, waves, magnetism, electrodynamics, and more! Trigonometry and chemistry are recommended prerequisites. Includes a 334-page softcover test/solutions book. Approx. 575 pages, hardcover.This course is designed for high school juniors/Grade 11.

Apologia Exploring Creation with Biology

Designed as the first high school-level science study a homeschooler takes, this edition of Dr. Wile’s biology curriculum includes more color illustrations; clarified explanations; easier experiments; and a website with links to extra helps. Sixteen modules cover cell life, genetics, creation science as an alternative to evolution, ecology, insects, plants, reptiles, mammals, and more. Includes a 200-page test/solutions book. 594 pages, hardcover. For 9th grade students.

Apologia Exploring Creation with Physical Science

In this study of Physical Science, you’ll be introduced to the stunning world you live in, as well as the universe around it. From the composition of air to icebergs to astrophysics, you will recieve thorough lessons in each element of the physical world. Sixteen modules are included, that are designed to be completed in a total of 32 weeks time, though the course can be adjusted to your own needs. “On your own” questions throughout the text are designed to help cement concepts, while “Study Guide” questions prepare for tests. All information that must be memorized is centered and in bold text, and all definitions and important terms are also bolded. Experiments using only household equipment, graphics, illustrations, charts and other visual representation of various concepts are also included for maximum clarity. Topics include the atmosphere; hydrosphere; weather; structure of Earth; environmentalism; physics of motion; Newton’s laws; gravity; and astrophysics. 510 pages, hardcover. Grade 8, but may be used with younger/older students as parents decide.

Apologia Exploring Creation with General Science

Designed to be a student’s first systematic introduction to the sciences, Exploring Creation with General Science, 2nd Ed. explores topics such as the scientific method, designing experiments, simple machines, geology, archaeology, biology, anatomy and other disciplines, providing a wide range of scientific exposure. Hands-on experiments are included throughout, giving students practical experience as they discover the principles behind the science! Looking at the world from a creationist position, topics are all presented with an eye towards God’s role in everyday life.

This second edition includes updates on relevant topics as well as stylistic changes. The primary function of the appendix (discovered in 2006) has now been included, as have higher-quality drawings and more colorful illustrations. Online resources for advanced students and a review appendix have also been included in this 2nd edition. This kit contains both the student textbook and test/answer key booklet. Grade 7, but may be used with younger/older students as parents see fit.