When the Black Friday Sale Is NOT a Deal
Black Friday is just a few weeks away!! Are you as excited as I am about all the deals to be had? As you all know, I am the ultimate deal hunter, so I am so in my element this time of year. In case you were not aware of our Facebook Group, we have created a no-drama-mama community online (yes, it is possible) where hip homeschool moms all over the world come together and support one another in the everydayness of homeschooling. (Is everydayness a word? It is now… at least for this article!) Anyway, I share deals in our Hip Homeschool Moms Community all year long and have done this for four years now. So I have a pretty good feel for what is a deal and what is not. I wanted to share what I’ve seen over the years so you know when the Black Friday sale is not a deal.
Cheap Models of Electronics Specifically Made for Black-Friday Sales
Did you know some electronics are made specifically for Black Friday? I was pretty shocked too… but it is true. Apparently they actually make models to discount! Here is an example of it happening in 2015. And honestly it is getting harder and harder to catch these because many retailers are working out deals with manufacturers for models that are only offered to specific retail stores. So what can you do to keep from falling for a cheaper model? Don’t allow yourself to get caught up in the hype and take a few seconds to check out the model number. If you see very few reviews on it, you very well may be looking at one of these deceptive “deals”!
Products That Never Really Sold for the “Original Price”
This is a favorite tactic of most retailers. They say you are getting these HUGE discounts, but when you research the product you might see that it never sold for that price to begin with. And retailers have figured out how much we love a bargain, so they are literally pricing things up to mark them down. One way to prevent falling for this tactic is to have a list that you have researched and don’t even look at the items not on your list. (This is probably a great way to stick to your budget too). So don’t allow those big claims to influence your shopping!
Mail-in Rebates
Personally, I don’t mind taking the time to mail a rebate form in… but I know sometimes I forget to do it. So if your deal is only a “deal” if you mail in the rebate form, ask yourself if you will follow through. If you typically forget, then you might want to pass up this offer and find one that is actually a percentage off at the checkout instead.
Clearing Out Inferior Products
Sometimes companies have a stockpile of products that didn’t move for one reason or another. These products may not be awful deals, but you just need to know what you are buying. Again, the only real way to know for sure is to take a few minutes to research the product to be sure you are getting what you want.
Check the Dates
For some perishable products, they are clearing out a warehouse. If you are planning to use the product soon (or don’t go by the sell by dates), then the date might not be a big deal… but for me, I’m REALLY picky about dates so just check to be sure! Now for non-perishables, you can still purchase outdated products. If a new model has been introduced, that is usually when they are clearing out the old. I personally like to get those deals, but again, spending a few minutes before you buy can help you make smart buying decisions.
Doorbusters Which Are in VERY Limited Quantities
I don’t know about you… but there is NOT ONE DEAL out there that would make me want to physically fight over it! And if you have watched any of the Black Friday videos from years past, you know it happens all the time. So, how do I avoid being in the middle of such craziness? I shop online! No hassles. No fights. No long lines. No parking miles away. No freezing to get there early enough to be in the front of the line. It’s that simple!
My Best Advice
- Have a budget
- Research expensive products before you buy
- Shop online and
- Join the Facebook Community for my Deal Alerts!!
We’ll leave the light on for ya’! 🙂
Shop online. That’s my new black Friday.. I swear it’s never been easier..
Me too Jennifer!! I avoid leaving the house that day!