Talking The Talk and Walking the Walk
Or where I tell them that if you don’t have anything nice to say about someone, then perhaps you should keep it to yourself, but then find myself on the phone with a friend doing exactly the opposite.
Like the one I expect my husband to tell me if he doesn’t love how my jeans fit, I want to hear that my butt is adorable. All of it. I encourage him to lie too me. Sad really.But what about our walk in faith? Do we lie to ourselves? We do the talk, but not the walk. Pray only when we are in need, and not just to give thanks? Do we turn to God only when the going gets tough? Teaching our children to be grateful for each waking moment, a gift from God, that is one of the greatest gifts we can give them. Showing them the way, because we are their teachers.
My goal for teaching our children to live as good people, is following in the footsteps of Jesus. We discuss what we think Jesus would do. When you think about following in His footsteps, you choose your road a little more carefully. In our house, I am a Christian and my husband is an Atheist, but together we teach our children to be accepting of all people. To each his own on their politics, their religion, their belief’s or their lifestyle. To treat people with love, kindness and respect. In the words of my 13 year old, ‘Judgement Day will come, and God will be the judge‘. She is wise beyond her years. And I think we did good.
Teaching my children to ‘walk the walk, and talk the talk’ makes me think of …
And walk in love, as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us, a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God.
because if we walk only in love, the talk will be kind and compassionate.
Which brings me back full circle with those little white lies, instead of telling your children that little white lie, you know the one where you have eye’s in the back of your head, maybe just tell them this …
The eyes of the Lord are everywhere, keeping watch on the wicked and the good. (Proverbs 15:3)
Maybe that will help – ALL of us!
Nicole, was born in England, raised in South Africa, and recently became an American that talks funny. A Liberal Christian Mom, currently living in sunny Florida, married to the man affectionately referred to as MR 51% in her blog. Has homeschooled her two cherubs since early 2008 and embraces the ‘World is our Classroom’ by traveling as often as they can. When she is home you can catch up with them in their outfit of choice – jammies, most days, exploring the beach in flip flops and devouring books. She loves Jesus. She says, What would Jesus do? A. Lot. Nicole fills her blog with stories on life, travel, homeschooling, infertility and adoption. She does not write about dieting or exercise. Some days – you should bring wine. You can find Nicole blogging at By Word of Mouth Musings.
Amen! Great post. It is hard to walk the walk and not just talk the talk.
Yes, I sneak cookies after I tell my kids not to. I have told them I have a sixth sense, “momsense”, that allows me to know where they are and what they are doing at any moment. (Thank you for the Proverbs verse, I will be glad to hand off that sixth sense now!) I spent last night in the floor of my closet weeping and sobbing uncontrollably: partly because I had a migraine that was threatening to explode my cranium from the inside out, and mostly because I had spent two days ranting, raving, and screaming like a crazy woman at my sweet blessings. No, I have not been walking the walk. Thank you for sharing this. I needed this encouragement. Today was better, for “His mercies are new every day.” I apologized to my children. When I felt like yelling, I whispered instead. I felt a lot less like yelling today. I need my time with God, and haven’t been spending it with Him lately, and boy, does it show! As I am so often reminded, our lessons to our children are more often “caught” than “taught”. Thank you.
Awesome words the Spirit gave you today. Often, I talk the talk too much!
Beautiful post, Nicole. It’s an excellent reminder for all parents. How we handle our emotions has become a big topic around our house, as our little Q-ball is already picking up on it. As always, you’re writing has given me so much to reflect on. Thank you!