
Sharpen Skills with MrNussbaum.com

MrNussbaum.comNeed a fun, engaging, and educational website for your kids to sharpen their skills over the summer? Visit MrNussbaum.com! Created by a real public school teacher with experience in 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, and 6th, grades, MrNussbaum.com is easy to navigate with both grade-level and subject-level navigation. With MrNussbaum.com games, kids can play the crazy roles of arm-wrestling soft pretzels, Place Value Pirates, Decimals of the Caribbean, fraction-obsessed pizza shop owners, armies of vindictive semicolons, and various learning super heroes such as the Greatest American Zero, Fraction Man, and Tae-Kwon Donuts among many others. Don’t be surprised when kids choose MrNussbaum.com over other gaming websites that glorify violence and promote mental lethargy.



  • • Entertains kids with over 150 wacky, and addictive learning games that pinpoint specific skills highlighted in the Common Core Standards
  • • Engages students ages 2 – 14.
  • • Helps reinforce and teach skills through easy-to-use, interactive math workshops such as Decimals Worskhop, Fractions, Workshop, Drag n Drop Math, Graphmaster, and the Amazing Number Board
  • • Provides extensive interactive research modules in hundreds of subjects such as the 13 Colonies, Civil War, Space, Birds, insects, Presidents, U.S. Constitution, Explorers and many more.
  • • Provides more than 150 leveled printable or online reading comprehension exercises that mirror those found on state mandated standardized tests.
  • • Provides rewards for student users such as real prizes and printable certificates.

Best of all, MrNussbaum.com is 100% free for all to use. Not just a part of the site, or a couple of games or activities, but the entire 3,500-page site! MrNussbaum.com reaches more than two million kids every month as well as countless teachers and homeschooling parents. It is perfect for enrichment, remediation, and all types of learners. Teachers and homeschoolers use it for instruction, reinforcement, assessment, reward, fun, as a challenge, and as a research tool.


MrNussbaum.com also offers most of its content for free on your tablet. No need to download apps (though we have those too), much of the site’s content can be used directly off your iPad or Android browser.

Check out the MrNussbaum.com home page, find information on the available mobile content, and visit the testimonials page to learn more. Teachers and homeschooling parents can even earn money by contributing content to MrNussbaum.com – click here to find out how!

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