HHM’s Featured Posts & The Hip Homeschool Hop – 7/22/14
Welcome to the Hip Homeschool Hop!
Our Favorites from last week:
Durenda from Simple Nourishing Home chose to feature Look We’re Learning’s post Making a Homeschooling U-Turn.
Durenda said, “I liked this one because it focused on the flexibility of homeschooling. We HAVE the option to choose a custom fit for our families and we need to not be afraid to utilize that!”
Heather of A Nurse’s Wildflowers picked fellow HHM Team Member, Marcy from Ben and Me’s – Building a Foundation for Your Homeschool.
Heather shared, “I loved this, her wisdom flows from this post and it is something all homeschoolers should read. It’s a ‘read more than once’ kind of post!”
Heidi from Starts at Eight liked the Beginning Literature Analysis with The Chronicles of Narnia from The Sunny Patch.
Heidi commented, “I am always looking for ways to engage and dig deeper with my children when it comes to their reading. I have big readers in my house who read constantly but I like it when we can take a book or series and spend more time with it. This post from the Sunny Patch offers not only how they went about it, but a bunch of useful resources as well.”
Guidelines for the hop:
- Link up to 3 posts from your blog. Make sure you use the exact URL to the post.
- Please no pinterest, fb, twitter, or other linky links! You can link up kid activities, homeschool related, or homemaking/recipe posts. Posts unrelated to these topics will be removed. (Please no product reviews or “marketing” posts unless they are homeschool related.)
- Please either include the Hip Homeschool Hop button (found at the bottom of the site) or a link back to Hip Homeschool Moms.
- The linky will go live each week at 6am EST, and will be live until Saturday at midnight.
Share your love for HHM;add the HHM button to your post. |
Was your post featured?Grab a “I was featured” button! |
*By linking up, you agree to have your images shared, with credit!
So, please SHARE WITH US! What have you been up to?
Thanks for featuring our “Making a Homeschooling U-Turn” post! Off to check out the other posts this week. 🙂
Thank you for hosting! Have a great week 🙂
Thanks for sharing! Great collection of info!
Thank you for hosting!