How I Model Servant Leadership
I’m raising servant leaders, and I have to be a good role model.
The idea of “servant leadership” was first mentioned by Robert K. Greenleaf in 1970 in his essay, The Servant as Leader.
Actions speak way louder than words. I can lecture, discuss, cajole, encourage, cheer – or any range of the verbal spectrum…
If my actions don’t align with my words, it means nothing.
My children watch me and how I interact with others. Sometimes they question, and I have to backpeddle. I am flawed and imperfect, after all. We all learn from it, and I pray to do better next time. It takes maturity to admit mistakes – especially to children.
I must model servant leadership for my children to see if I desire them to grow up to be servant leaders. My kids have a better beginning and more opportunities than I had. I have learned along the way, too often making it up as we go. I want my kids to be successful in God’s kingdom and in the world. Servant leadership is the answer.
They must obey Christ first and all else will follow.
Mark Miller encourages leaders to exemplify servant leadership with the acrostic SERVE in The Heart of Leadership: Becoming a Leader People Want to Follow.