Hip Homeschool Hop – 9/25/12
You’ve found Autumn’s 1st Hip Homeschool Hop!
Thank you for joining us!
Has the weather turned cool and colorful where you are?
‘Tis the season!!
Brighton Park is a homeschooling blog penned by Katie Sullivan, M.S., SLP-CCC a pediatric speech language pathologist and homeschooler who believes that anyone can be successful homeschooling and every child has the potential to learn. Brighton Park contains practical tips, speech/language information, special needs homeschooling help, craft tutorials, recipes and new this month, free theme units. Brighton Park is a Circle of Moms top 25 blog and a Seametrics.com top 50 farm blog.
Now, on to the HOP…
Don’t forget to grab the Hip Homeschool Hop button located at the very bottom of our page!
Is this your first time joining the Hop? Welcome! Be sure to check out our link up guidelines before you join the FUN.
I’ve linked up today for the first time! Thank you for the opportunity to meet other homeschool moms and gleam from their experiences.
Just love this hop…Thanks again for hosting and have a great week.
Thanks so much for hosting, and for this wonderful blog. As a first-year homeschooler who is still just figuring it all out, I am so grateful for this great resource. Happy Tuesday 🙂
My post is up and I hope someone might have an answer to my question!