Hip Homeschool Hop – 10/9/12
Hello, Hip Homeschool People!
You’ve found this week’s Hip Homeschool Hop…..
We’re glad you could join us!
Simplified Pantry promotes homestyle cooking with basic ingredients, believing it is possible to cook good, healthy food without a pantry full of specialized products. The eBook, Simplified Dinners, enables anyone to transition toward home-prepared, real-food cooking.
Simplified Dinners takes the thinking out of not only menu planning, grocery shopping, and dinner making. It is a 30-page book of guideline-style recipes that rely on very basic pantry staples, teaching you how to cook whole foods like our grandmothers did: without recipes, and with items from a normal discount grocer.
For the month of October, use discount code hiphomeschool for $3 off!
Now, on to the HOP…
Don’t forget to grab the Hip Homeschool Hop button located at the very bottom of our page!
Is this your first time joining the Hop? Welcome! Be sure to check out our link up guidelines before you join the FUN.
Thanks for hosting and have a great week.