HHM’s Featured Posts & The Hip Homeschool Hop 6/9/15
Welcome to the Hip Homeschool Hop!
Our Favorites This Week:
Wendy with Homeschooling Blessings chose 5 Keys to a Happy Home School, shared by Character Corner, as one of her favorites this week. “Over the summer, I’m thinking about ways to make our next homeschool year happy and as stress-free as possible! I thought this post was a great place to start.”
Another of Wendy’s favorites is Everyday Schole: Planning for a Restful School Year, which was shared by Classically Homeschooling: The Practical Classical Homeschool. This article shares some simple tips for things to do over the summer that will help the new school year go more smoothly with just a little planning ahead!
Thanks for hosting 🙂