Fun and Easy Wizard of Oz Green Spectacles Craft
How we see things is so important! For example, one might be looking at the world through rose colored glasses. In Dorthy’s case she had to wear green spectacles so the brilliance of the emerald city wouldn’t blind her, or at least that’s what she believed until she found out Oz was a great humbug!
This activity is sure to be a hit; easy for you to put together and fun for the kiddos. So put on your green spectacles and see things Emerald City style![maxbutton id=”1″]
What you will need to make Green Spectacles:
- 1 cardboard paper roll
- plastic wrap
- Green Sharpie Fine Point Permanent Marker
- 2 rubber bands
- stapler
- green pipe cleaners
- hole puncher
- scissors
Step by Step Green Spectacles:
- Color your plastic wrap with the green marker enough to cover the end of a paper roll. (If you want to splurge, you can just purchase some green plastic wrap.)
- Cut the paper roll in half.
- Cover one end with green plastic and secure with one of the rubber bands.
- Repeat with the other roll half and rubber band.
- Now you should have 2 “green eyepieces” to look through.
- Staple them together in the center like binoculars.
- Punch a hole on each outer side to faster green pipe cleaners; one on each side
- Use pipe cleaners to fasten around your head or ears to use your spectacles!
Did you know?
The author, L. Frank Baum had a column called “Our Landlady” where he wrote sayings, puns, and jokes. For example, “How do you fool horses into eating saw dust during tough times? ~By putting green glasses on them to makes them think it’s grass!”
I wonder if this inspired the idea for green spectacles.
What do you think?
Now, what do you spy with your Emerald City eye?
I’m sure you have the classic book Wizard of Oz, but did you know there is a Wizard of Oz official cookbook?
Have you ever compared and contrasted a book to a movie made from it? If not, this would be a great book/movie combo to do! Here is a link to the classic movie.
There is even now an immersive Story Based game for the Wizard of Oz! If you know me, I love to make homeschooling fun and enjoyable for kiddos and parents too! If you still have little ones at home, here is a sweet little matching game for them too, so they won’t feel left out! You might enjoy working a puzzle together too!
Speaking of making learning fun, I always loved using Mad Libs with my boys. Here is one specifically for the Wizard of Oz!