Craftsman Crate Review

Character-building is one of the things I’m most thankful to be able to include in my homeschool! Yes, it’s important for our children to be well educated. But if they don’t also have good character, they may not get far in life. (Yes, we all know–or know of–people who don’t have good character who have done well for themselves. I think most parents will agree, though, that we want our children to have good character and to be successful because they did the right things–not because they did well in spite of their bad character or because of it.)

But how do we help our children build good character in this age of video games and cell phones and televisions? How do we teach them to be kind and considerate and hard-working and to have perseverance and a good work ethic? The same way previous generations learned those qualities! By encouraging our children to get outside, play games, stay active, work hard physically, and work together.

Many of our parents and grandparents were craftsmen and artisans who did these kinds of things, and I think it’s important to teach our children to do the same. It’s not so easy to continue this kind of tradition today, though, because it’s more difficult to find the tools, materials, and information you need to encourage your children to be craftsmen. And, most of us don’t want to spend money on kits and materials our children won’t use. We want them to look forward to learning and creating and to use the skills and information we’re sharing with them!

This is why Craftsmen Crates were created. This monthly subscription is for parents who want their children to get off electronic devices and start developing useful skills. And not only will they develop useful skills, but they will have fun doing it!

Each kit comes with whatever tools and supplies are needed to complete that project. For example, their wood burning kit comes with instructions, wood to practice on, a plaque for the first real project, and a box that the child can personalize by adding a wood-burning pattern, name, or phrase. (NOTE: The wood burning kit is recommended for ages 13 and up for safety reasons. The wood burning stylus gets very hot and isn’t safe to use with younger children.) And you’ll be glad to know that these kits come with real tools and supplies–not samples or disposables, so they’re great for beginning, but they also continue to be useful if your children choose to make a hobby of whatever they’re learning from each kit!

There are other kits (like the Calligraphy Crate, the Soap Making Crate, the Furniture Maker Crate, and more!) that will be delivered monthly so your children will have something to look forward to and something to work on each month. And you’ll be glad to know that these crates aren’t going to be completed in one sitting! They’ll give your children an on-going project to work toward finishing–which is another part of character-building.

If you’re new to Craftsman Crates, you can use the coupon code newcrate10 to get $10 off any subscription. Or you can use CrateFifteen to take $15 off your first box if you choose a subscription for 3 months or longer.

To get more information about Craftsman Crates or to subscribe, click here to go to the Craftsman Crate website!

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One Comment

  1. This sounds very interesting—can’t wait to go through it & hopefully give it a go !!!
    Have a Super Safw Day

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