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Celebrate Author’s Day This November 1st

November is the month for celebrating writing and writers. It’s Nanowrimo (National Novel Writing Month); it’s kick-start-the-writing-program again, and in some places it’s even Grace Month for Library Fines – a winner for the typical homeschooling family whose library fines could finance a whole new wing.  Best of all? It’s that perfect excuse to curl up on the couch with a pile of read-aloud books and indulge in hours of great literature.



If you’re anything like me, a good book and a comfy couch are pretty much all you need to celebrate Author’s Day on November 1st. But, if you’re the more creative type, then perhaps tackling these projects would be more up your street:

  1. Have each family member dress as his or her favourite author or book character.
  2. Have the kids research their favourite authors and do oral presentations or dramatic pieces.
  3. Make an author’s day! Write a letter to an author detailing what you love about his or her book/s.
  4. Reenact scenes from your favourite books.
  5. Play charades with author names or book titles.
  6. Start writing a family “movel” (mini novel) – brain storm a general story and have each child write a chapter at an age-appropriate level.
  7. Play Rory’s story cubes! A fun way to create stories on the spot.

Have some reluctant writers in your home or want to challenge your kids to up their writing games? Then dig around in our archives for some great posts! Here are a few of our own:

  1. Tips for Teaching Your Child to Write Right.
    • As the title says, this post contains some great tips for improving writing skills. Tip number one refers to my favourite couch activity, so you know you’re on to a good thing!
  2. Writing and Rhetoric Program
    • A well-respected program for writing: read this review of the Writing and Rhetoric program.
  3. Five Anne of Green Gables-Inspired Ways to Nurture Your Child’s Writing Dreams
    • Using inspiration from the Anne of Green Gables classics, have your children use their five senses to explore creative writing. Excellent ideas here!
  4. Teaching Writing in Your Homeschool – It’s Not That Difficult
    • The title may seem intimidating if you’ve ever struggled with teaching writing skills – or it may be that it finally addressed your fears. Whatever it is, don’t miss it!
  5. Develop Your Child’s Creative Thinking Through Writing 
    • Did you know how many spin-off benefits there are for children who learn to write well? Creativity is just one of them. Read more!
  6. Can a Student Learn to Write by Imitating Good Writing?
    • Here is an article that asks and answers its own question. Do you know the answer?

With all the excellent resources right here at Hip Homeschool Moms, we guess you will be justifiably busy for the rest of the month! And, if you’re not quite busy enough, why not consider writing your own book? There’s no time like the present!

Happy Author’s Day!

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