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3 Reasons to Reevaluate Your Homeschool in January

January is typically a time of resolutions and goal setting. A time to change your ways, plan for your future, and reevaluate your past year. So why not Reevaluate Your Homeschool in January too?

reevaluate your homeschool

Many of us who start our homeschool year in August or September have been moving along for 4 or 5 months. During the month of December, many homeschool families (whether they do year-round schooling or not) enjoy a much-needed break from their formal studies over the holiday season.

Having a long break gives you all the chance to take a step back and look at what you have done so far this year. Of course, you will find there are things you are happy with and things you are not so happy with.

It is a great time to reevaluate your homeschool and implement any important changes that you see need to be made … and to do it before a whole year has gone by.

A notebook with new year resolutions and a pen on the desk for organized planning.

Why Reevaluate Your Homeschool in January?

1. A Break Gives You Time to Reflect

It is very possible that you will be coming off a break for the holidays that has given you time to reflect and make changes if need be.

Whether you’re the type of mom who has a homeschool routine instead of a schedule, or the type who has a firm homeschool schedule that you stick to, it’s rarely a bad idea to take stock of whether your schedule is working. And if not, reflect on what changes need to be made in order to find what works for your family.

2.  Less Than Half of the Year Has Passed

If you start in August or September, then not even half of your year has passed. This is a sufficient amount of time to give to the curricula and practices you are using but not so much time that you have lost a whole year to something that may not be working.

Need to find a better history curriculum? Looking for a good discipleship curriculum to add to your homeschool days? Or do you find that you need more craft time in your homeschool days? These are all things you can determine while you reevaluate your homeschool in January.

Woman and child spending quality time drawing and painting at home.

3. January Gives You Some Downtime

After all of the holiday hype, January is often a slower month for outside distractions and activities. This affords you the time to implement any changes you may have decided to make. Remember that it’s important to be realistic when making any plans or incorporating any changes, especially if you also have some personal New Year’s resolutions you are hoping to incorporate into your schedule.

So as you are celebrating the coming of the new year, consider taking a little time to reflect and adjust your homeschool practices too! If you have older children or teens in your homeschool, be sure to get their input as far as what’s working and what suggestions they might have to make homeschooling in the new year even better!

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