In just a few days I’ll face the anniversary of my mom’s death. She’ll have been with the Lord for 7 years. I was just 21 when she died….newly pregnant with my first child. We lost her to breast cancer. It’s been a hard 7 years. It has gotten easier to remember the good times and not the sick ones….but I find one of the most difficult things about losing my mother has been the lack of validation.
“I’m so proud of you, sweetie!” She’d always say.
“I’d expect nothing less from you!” Her eyes gleaming as she bragged on me.
“Good job!” And I KNEW she meant it.
All those compliments and reassuring hugs I used to get seem so far away at times. Some days I really need those words now that I’m a mom….ESPECIALLY a homeschooling mom.
Mothering is so difficult alone. We need those reassuring friends, family members, and spouses to remind us we ARE doing a good job. However, add in HOMESCHOOLING…and WOW! Some days I feel like I need a team of NFL cheerleaders in sparkly tops egging me on 24/7!
Now, my husband is awesome and oh so supportive, but…he’s a GUY. Through and through. He’s just not going to always have the right words to say or the perfect Hallmark card for me when I’m wondering if they are getting enough socialization….or if they are reading on level….or what about them still writing their 5 backwards?!
Sometimes, I just need my Mama. I need the validation. The reminder that I’m doing the right things for my children. For our family.
So, today…for myself…and for any other moms out there who don’t have a mom, or friends that homeschool, or a husband that is wonderful but just doesn’t have the right words…..
For all of you that are doubting this homeschooling journey….
You are doing a GREAT job!
I’m SO proud of you!
Yes, they’re better off at home than at doubt!
You CAN do this.
Don’t give up. Not today, not ever.
And if you are ever having a moment that you really need that special touch to get you through. Just look up. There is a Savior that is so proud of the values and lessons you are instilling in your children right this very moment. He sees it. He’s proud. He loves you.
I lost my mom when I was 19, thirteen years ago. I’m expecting my 5th child at any time. All our others are under 8 and we home school three of them currently. Tired, stressed, wondering who will care for our children when this next one comes…I understand the need for the hug and encouragement, the desire for a mother’s presence. But as you say, our Savior cares, understands and promises to carry us through all circumstance. How could I breathe without that assurance!? Thank you for sharing….