Thanksgiving is upon us and I have to tell you, the older I get, the more grateful I am for the ordinary, everyday, simple little pleasures of life! It seems just maybe our country has become comfortable, lulled even, with the belief that things are and probably always will be pretty good for us. We get up, go through the motions of our day, eat supper, go to bed, and begin the routine again the following day. Don’t get me wrong. Our days aren’t quite that grey. They are colored with friendships and hobbies, activities and entertainment.
But, ponder for a moment what life would be like if, but for the grace of God, we were born, well, somewhere else – almost anywhere else. Walk down the road with me for a second, and let’s image ourselves never being able to have homeschool co-ops or corporate church worship. Venture to think about a life without our Bibles, for goodness sake.
What if, per chance, tomorrow our Bibles were taken away? Would I know enough to be able to continue teaching my children? Would I have enough of it hidden in my heart to be able to draw from its wisdom and wealth for my remaining days?
I believe that Bible Study is a privilege. I believe that Bible Study is an honor. I believe that Bible Study is a sacrifice of praise. I believe that Bible Study is vital. The more I study the Bible, the more I want to do it more. And it’s not enough for me to do it; I want everybody else to as well. It’s so good. It’s so necessary. It’s so not something we can take for granted any longer.
Here’s a little something that I hope may help. I’d love for you to have a free Bible Study for your preteen children. What better heritage can you give them than a love for Bible Study? It is my prayer that this study will spark a love for Bible Study in your children that will leave a lasting legacy for many generations.
To download your free copy of the Nehemiah Bible Study for preteens, just click here!
Kathy Hutto is a degreed elementary teacher with over 20 years of teaching experience including traditional school, Christian school, and homeschooling. She has written over a hundred and forty curricula-type products for kids and parents for sale through Currclick. She has served on committees for writing family devotions and missions curricula. In addition, she currently serves as the Preschool Ministry Coordinator for her Baptist church in Georgia. Kathy blogs at
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I love this! Thanks so much.
Thank you so much Kathy for sharing such a wonderful way to conduct Bible study on Nehemiah. May God bless you.
Love your generous heart.
💓 From India