All About Reading Review & Giveaway!
It was an absolute answer to prayer to be able to review All About Reading Level 1 with my son, Alex.
Alex was thrilled to participate in this reading review.
He was enthralled with our first lesson. He’s an active boy and likes to touch the letter tiles and make words and cut and paste and play with the paper games in the workbook. This learn-to-read program is perfect for a tactile, kinesthetic learner.
We both love the ease of the phonogram app, and Alex touches the phonograms each day for our lesson, and then we practice saying them aloud.
The program teaches:
- Phonological Awareness
- Decoding (Phonics and Structural Awareness)
- Vocabulary
- Fluency
I love the comprehensive reading curriculum that teaches all the basics of reading that I am certainly not qualified to do. Alex knows his letter sounds. Now he’s learning how to put those sounds together to make words. I love that this is laid out for me in the program. Each lesson focuses on 1-3 phonograms, and we play with the letter tiles on the board, making new words together and sounding them out. Flashcards help reinforce learning, and then the activity page and easy readers drive it home further. Alex isn’t near fluent yet and got rather frustrated with the reviews that expect him to read an entire page of phrases. We did some together, but mostly I didn’t want him to feel discouraged and we skipped them. I love that he’s excited and begs to do his school. Every day. Anything that instills a love of learning is A-OK in my book. The vowels have hand motions to help memory. Alex thought they were silly, but he did them.
Alex loves the cutting and pasting activities. He’s getting better at sounding out the words and understanding rhymes. He’s not interested in writing, tracing, or coloring, so there is no stress! We like to do Montessori style learning and active learning. Check out some fun letter play.
Alex loves the stories in the easy reader and repeats each word I point to after I read it to him. He’s trying to sound out the words, and I am so proud!
The story “The Hot Rod” needed props:
Alex and I are thoroughly enjoying All About Reading Level 1. I love the ease of the lessons, with little teacher preparation, and how it holds his attention so well. Most lessons only take a few minutes, with the longest being about half an hour. Perfect for a little guy who has to move. I love seeing his progress and when he sounds out words for his dad, my heart swells with pride that he’s learning so well and is enjoying it so much.
All About Reading Level 1 Materials for $99.95:
- Teacher’s Manual
- Activity Book
- 3 Readers
- Also needed: Reading Interactive Kit for $21.85
There’s a placement test on the site for you to find out if this is right for your child. All About Reading has four sets – Pre-level 1, Levels 1, 2, and 3 (with images of Level 4 that must be coming soon!). Have you tried All About Reading or All About Spelling? What do you think?
I’d love to win level 1.
I am so interested in this program for my preschooler. I am already starting a pinterest board on curriculum ideas. I also have an 11yr old and 13yr old.
I would love to win! We have a very interested reader at only 3 and a half!
I’d love to win Level 1 for my son. My other kids taught themselves to read, but he’s all boy and I think this would be a great way to get him more interested in reading.
We would love to win!
Several friends have recommended the All About Program. Level one reading is on my summer shopping list.
I’m using All About Spelling with my 5 yr old, who was an early reader (never used a reading program). My 4 yr old daughter is, however, not reading yet. I thought I could use the AAS with her, but realizing I probably need to get her a separate reading program.
We need level 1!
We would love to win level 2!
We LOVE All About Spelling and I am planning on getting All About Reading for my preschooler next school year!
I am brand new to homeschooling starting this Fall and I have been researching math and reading curriculum for my son. I have really been hearing great things about All About Reading and would LOVE to win Level 1!!! I have so much to buy and it would be such a blessing!!!
I would love level 3!
this would be awesome to win, I have been strongly considering this program.
We are almost done level 2 and need level 3 next. Love it so far!
I would love to win Level 1. 🙂
Looking for a place to start with my little guy!
I would be interested in level 2, or maybe 3 for my upcoming second grader.
I’m thinking level 1
I have two children and I really could use this as my son hates to read and I’m afraid his younger brother is starting to take after him. I have herd wonderful things about this product and hope that I win. I would want level 1.
I would love to win this. I am planning on using it with my youngest.
I would love to win level 3. My kids are currently using level 1 & 2. We love AAR and winning would help so much with our school budget.
We would love to win this!!
I would love to win level 1. We are currently working on learning letters and sounds, so level 1 would be a great next step!
I’d love to win Level 1
I’d love to win the Pre-Reading Level for my youngest son. We own Levels 1-3 already and they have been highly successful with my oldest son! I wish I had discovered them when he was in the pre-reading stage.
I want the prereading level to do with my preschooler next year!
I would love to use Reading Level 3! I just had my son take the pretest to make sure! This would be great to win since I am still needing a reading curriculum!
I loved your review! We are hoping to start this program in the fall. Good to see that you are having such success with it!!
I would love to be able to get Level 3
I would love level 2!
We have just started AAR #1 and we love it!
I would love to win the level one. I am just starting homeschooling with my special needs daughter. I would LOVE this!!!
We ADORE All About Spelling and would love to try AAR for my second, I will have to figure out which level!
I would love to try this with my boys!
I’m thinking level two is what we would need but I still need to do the assessments to be sure.
I would love to win level one or ţwo for me son. He is in vision therapy and would really benefit from this program.
All about reading is really cool!
We’d love Level 1 ♥
I would love to win AAR level 1!!
We’d love to win Reading Level 2! We are also Interested in the spelling program!
I just ordered AAR1, I could use Level 2!!
I would love to win Level 3!
I would love Level 2. We are working our way through Level 1 right now.
Would love to win your giveaway 🙂
I have really loved the approach of these All About Learning products. Praying it keeps my 9yr old dyslexic
to keep on reading.
I would love to win pre reading or level 1!
We LOVE AAR here!! Our son is wrapping up level 2, so we would LOVE to win level 3!! And my daughter is about halfway through level 1. I cannot say enough wonderful things about this reading program!! LOVE it!! 🙂
I would like to win the level one program!
I’d like to win level 1 of AAR! I think my 4 year olds are past the pre-reading level and ready to dive in.
Would love to win (not sure if I need level 1 or 2) for my special needs son.
My 5yo and I love All About Reading Level 1. We are only 10 or so lessons away from completion. He is/was what you call a “reluctant learner” but has been doing great with the program. I would love to win Level 2 for him!
I’d LOVE to win level 1 for my kids 🙂
We are using AAR Pre-reading now … and love it! Would love to win Level 1!
We have been preparing for transition to AAR. My daughter is loving the sample lessons. We’ll be ready to jump in to Level 2 soon! It would be a huge blessing to win it!
I would love to win Level 1!! =)
Thank you, would love to win.
I would LOVE to win level 3!! 🙂
I have wanted to see this in person for soo long! Thanks for the review 🙂
I am planning on using level 1 with my son. I haven’t daughter the placement test yet so I sm unsure if she will use level 2 or 3. We will begin homeschooling in the fall. I’d love to win any of those levels!
We would love to win this. We just finished AAR 1 and half done with AAS 1. Gearing up for level 2 in both. Might even get the pre-K level for my son. He loved Ziggy this year with my daughter:)
We are finishing up AAR Level 2 now. It would be such a blessing to win Level 3!
I would be so thankful to win!!!
I have been researching this program and would love to win it. Thank you.
I would love to win level 4!
I’m hoping to use this with my dyslexic son.
I’ve been wanting to try AAR for a while but just can’t justify yet another reading curriculum purchase. We’ve tried so many with little success. Would love to see if AAR is the key to help unlock my child’s reading.
Been wanting to purchase this curriculum for my daughter!!
Already have the prereading set and would love Level 1!
We are using level 2 right now so I would love to win level 3
This would help the budget tremendously! Awesome!
I’d love to win level 3!
We are using AAS Level 1 and have been wanting to give AAR a try! What an exciting giveaway!! 😉
I would LOVE to win this for my six year old!
I assume we would need Level 1, as he is not reading yet.
I would love to win level 1!!!
i would love to win level 1 of All About Reading for my 4yr old! 🙂 thanks for the opportunity!
We’d love to win Level 3!
I would love to win level 3!
We LOVED AAR Level 2–we’d love to win level 3!
I’d love to win the first level
I would love this for my 2 almost 3 year old. He already knows sounds and can recognize all of the alphabet.
I am thinking that my son would need level 1 or 2. He is just learning to read.
We started homeschooling last year. My Kindergartener will be doing AAR and Spelling this next semester. She’s very excited! 🙂
Thanks for your review. Makes me even more happy I decided to go with this program.
I would love level 1 for my little guy. 🙂 Thanks for the awesome review and giveaway!
I’d love to win the pre-reading level! I use AAS for my oldest and can’t wait to use BOTH AAS and AAR for my 3 yo ds!!!!
I would love to try level 1.
We would love AAR level 1!
My dyslexic soon would really benefit from level 2. He really needs something to boost his reading self esteem.
My oldest son has shown such improvement with the use of All About Spelling. I would love to get the first level of All About Reading for his brother who we are just starting to teach (pre-K). I think this would be a great program for our youngest to start his reading journey with!
I’d love to win Level 1. This is so great of you. thanks.
I would love to win the level 1 for my grandson that I will be homeschooling this year.
I would love to win level 3 🙂 Thanks !!
I would love to win Level 2!
I’d love to win the pre-reading package 🙂
I would love the level 1!
I would like to win level 3!
We love AAS and would love to add AAR to our curriculum!
This program looks wonderful! I’ve been getting so frustrated with my son and teaching him how to read this past month. It seems like anything I say goes in one ear and out the other!
Oops…forgot to mention. I think we would want level 2!
I would love Level 3! We have finished level 1 and are into level 2….amazing program!!!
We recently started using Level 1 and I am finally seeing progress with my daughter’s reading. We love it!
This program is what a friend has been telling me about that would totally work for my son who struggles badly 🙁 I would love level 1!! Looks fantastic!
We would love to get Level 1 to start out!
I would love to win the Reading Level 3. My daughter is loving the fact that she can read and she keeps pushing herself more and more each day because she just can’t wait to read a book all by herself! This program is amazing because I had to clue where to start since English is my second language and I was never taught any phonics.
I would love to wind level 2 for my son