Reptile and Amphibian Notebook Pages
Use the spaces provided for recording taxonomy as well as your observations. The black and white and light color format makes printing affordable and allows for personalization as your child fills in each page. Choose from over 40 pages by common name. This packet also includes compare and contrast and venn diagram pages. Or use one of the 5 blank lined pages to write paragraphs or reports. This PDF includes 50 total notebooking pages and is a PDF digital download product.
How to use these Reptile and Amphibian Notebook Pages:
You can have your child use Reptile and Amphibian Notebook Pages in a variety of ways. Compliment a study or use them as a stand alone tool. Fill them in with the facts you get from your research. You can also use them while out in the field making observations. This method works best for a smaller unit of study or an exploratory or delight directed approach. Regardless of whether you choose to use them in the field or in your classroom, they are designed to aid your children in recording their research.
Use all or just a few pages at a time, year after year with multiple children and ages.
A little about filling in the pages…
Older children may enjoying sketching the specific species in the life cycle stages portion of the page, while younger children could cut and paste pictures from magazines and printouts to glue on their pages. First, identify the species you are observing or studying and write in its scientific classification in the space provided. In most cases the order and family is completed for you. At the very least, have your child find out it’s binomial nomenclature. You will use the generic pages for species not included in the packet. Your child will write in the more specific common name in the space provided. Your child should also circle if the species is a producer, consumer or predator.
Notes about the extra pages:
~The packet includes 7 supplemental pages too!
Fifteen of the pages in this packet are generic. They can be used for any species by that common name. Those include: Frog, Toad, Newt, Salamander, Siren, Alligator, Crocodile, Caiman, Gharial, Lizard, Tuatara, Turtle/Tortoise, Terrapin, and Snake. In addition there are two bonus pages: compare and contrast and a venn diagram page for frogs and toads. The PDF also includes 5 additional lined pages. Print out the pages you wish for the specific assignments you plan!
Packed full with 13 amphibian pages and 22 reptile pages by common name, these notebooking pages include space for drawing a sketch of the species you are studying and its life cycle.
You can use these pages year after year for several ages and levels. Use them for elementary unit studies, or for species research reports and projects for middle school students. Unlike many science notebooking pages, these pages offer space specifically designated for recording taxonomy as well as the species place in the food chain. In addition, there is plenty of space for recording it’s behavior, diet, location found, endangered status, and lined space for behavior notes.
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