
Presidential Inauguration Bingo Game Printable

It’s been a long couple of years of campaigning, and there was a lot of discussion over who would win the presidential election. At times, it seemed to drag on forever, so it’s hard to believe that it’s almost time for the president-elect to be sworn into office! Whether you’re happy or not about the outcome of the election, it’s important for us to teach our children to be actively involved in the political process. And being involved means first being informed.

Sometimes, though, it can be hard to find ways to get children, especially younger children, interested in what’s going on in politics. It’s easy to say that we’d like for our children to listen to the very first speech Mr. Trump will give as he becomes our new president. But how are we going to actually get them to listen? And how can we ourselves pay more attention and really notice what he’s saying? We hope this Inauguration Speech Bingo game will be the answer!

We created this game just for you, and you can download it here. Presidential Inauguration Bingo There are eight different cards in the download.

It’s no secret that bringing jobs back to America (or keeping them from being moved to other countries in the first place) has been one of the topics Mr. Trump has talked a lot about during his campaign. Another has been health care and what to do about it. And what about unifying the country again? It’s almost certain that he’ll talk about that important subject. He may talk about Supreme Court appointments.

No matter what he talks about, you’ll want your children to listen. To actually pay attention. And you’ll want to pay attention as well. After all, how can we hold Mr. Trump (or any other politician for that matter) accountable for his actions if we can’t remember what he said he’d do in the first place?

We created these cards by listening to President-Elect Trump’s campaign speeches and various other inauguration speeches. You never know what will be in an inauguration speech, so we have taken our best guesses on what might be covered.

Our hope for this game is that it will give you and your children a reason to listen to the inaugural speech and really pay attention. We want to make it fun for you! We want this to be something you and your children remember and talk about in the coming years. If you think about it, many of our children are old enough to remember the election this year, maybe for the first time in their lives. And what a controversial and memorable campaign it has been! So let’s make the inauguration something to remember too!

Download your cards above (Or right click the images below and save them to your computer).

Print them out. We made 8 different cards, but use as few or as many as you want.

Mark your cards with buttons, pennies, or cut out paper markers. Anything to cover the spaces.

Win by getting a full line horizontally, vertically, diagonally, or four corners.

Good luck! Take pictures of your homeschoolers playing Presidential Inauguration Bingo and share on Facebook and Instagram!

Use the Hashtags #365homeschool #hiphomeschoolmoms #homeschoolinauguration

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  1. Thank you so much for sharing these! My kids are glued to the tv listening to President Trump and having fun with this!

    1. I loved, loved, loved this. Did I say I loved it? This was so great with my 12 year old son and 14 year old daughter. My daughter did not want to watch the inauguration but that competitive side of her could not resist.

      This was even my first time watching an inaugural. I did miss a lot of it due to running our cafe and ice cream business while homeschooling!

      Thank you so much this was great!

      1. Michelle, I’m so glad!! Sometimes it is hard to to listen to speeches… especially when they are dry or boring. I was afraid this one might be (although it turned out to be pretty short and interesting)… so I wanted to offer something to keep them tuned in!!

      2. Michelle, I’m so glad!! Sometimes it is hard to listen to speeches… especially when they are dry or boring. I was afraid this one might be (although it turned out to be pretty short and interesting)… so I wanted to offer something to keep them tuned in!!

  2. Thank you! We waited until Daddy got home and watched the inauguration on YouTube. My son actually requested to watch it again in case he missed any words! He usually fidgets and complains about any “boring” show. Bingo was a hit in this hip homeschool and sure helped my students pay attention to this historical event.

    1. Ellen, thank you so much for dropping me a note to let me know! I am so excited to read your sweet note! What a blessing to hear that your son was not only focused, but wanted to rewatch!! Seriously, thank you so much for stopping by and giving me a bit of encouragement! I love when something I worked on actually works!! We are big fun schoolers in my house (Montessori based) and I am always looking for ways like this to help our students fully engage with their material!! #homeschoolwin

  3. Thank you for the bingo cards! My boys, 6 and 9, loved playing! I know they wouldn’t have wanted to watch as long as they did without the cards! It kept all of us watching, playing and asking questions! Thank you!!!

    1. Thank you Robin!! I had so much fun making them and researching Trump’s campaign so I could have some of his words… and then he didn’t even use the word Huge! LOL! But thank you so much for the feedback!!

  4. Thank you for offering this for our family to use. My three children were engaged and it was fun and educational. We loved Inauguration Bingo!

  5. These were great! It really helped my boys stay focused and actually listen to what was going on. Thanks so much for this great learning tool!

    1. I’m so glad Lisa!! We had so much fun making them and researching the various inaugural addresses and Trump campaign speeches. And seriously… where was HUGE anyway? Somebody coached him into not using that word. I call foul! 🙂

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