Plant Yourself a Garden and See God’s Presence
Let’s face it, homeschooling is a lot of work. In between deciding what curriculum to use, lesson planning, maintaining a schedule, and making it through a school year, there are so many other tasks. The culmination of a school year leaves you both exhilarated and ready to begin the next school year or consider throwing in the towel. If the latter describes you, whether it relates to homeschooling or just life experiences, then plant yourself a garden and see God’s presence.

The only challenges the plant was going to face was me remembering to water and sun it. The challenges that I had ahead of me were far more significant than that. Sometimes, the challenges we experience in life are just the same.
God is steadily working in your life every single day and every minute of that day. You may not see His hand in every action He performs as He cares for you, but He is there. Some of the blessings may be really small and unnoticeable to the human eye, while others fiercely take your breath away.
I must admit that sometimes I wonder where He is, and other times I can see Him so clearly.
The first crop my blueberry bush netted me was less than one dozen blueberries. It was not even enough to use in any of the recipes I have. The next year was not too much better, but I was able to see an increase from the previous year. This year I have multiple branches with a lot of little blueberries growing, and I see some blueberry muffins in my future this summer.
I also see how God’s blessings continue to produce and multiply in my life even when I may not believe He is there with me. Life is full of blessings and challenges, but know that He is always there and will never leave you alone.
Keep your lives free from the love of money and be content with what you have, because God has said, “Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you.” – Hebrews 13:5 New International Version (NIV)
I couldn’t tell you what happened to the plant my aunt gave to me. Anytime I need an immediate reminder of God’s presence, I may go outside into my yard and look at my garden and see the wonder and beauty of Him and know that He is with me every step of the way.
Point of Grace puts it simply.
How do you see God’s presence in your life?
And plant some fun too-like edible snack pots of cherry tomatoes and bean tents (Pole beans that grow up sticks to form a leafy teepee. Then children can rejoice at the joy God provides.
I like the idea of children planting edibles and flowers. My daughter recently planted wildflowers and the beauty they exhibit is wonderful. We all have been rejoicing in His joy.