Hip Homeschool Hop 8/25/15
Welcome to the Hip Homeschool Hop!
Kristy, one of the Hip Homeschool Moms team members, blogs at Kristy’s Cottage. Kristy chose 100 Best Books for Boys as her favorite article from last week’s HOP. Kristy said: “I loved the 100 Best Books for Boys, by Faithful and True blog. As a mom with 3 little boys, I’m always looking for great resources… and boy resources are often harder to come by than girl resources! She had the list separated into grade/age appropriate sections, which was very helpful.”
I, Wendy, blog at Homeschooling Blessings. One of my favorite articles from last week is Help Your Children Learn a Foreign Language on the Year Round Homeschooling blog. My family and I went to Peru a few weeks ago for a mission trip, and we came back motivated to learn Spanish in hopes of being able to talk with the people in Peru next summer without having to rely completely on a translator. I’ve been interested in learning Spanish for years, but I’ve never had just the right motivation to get started. Now I’m ready, and I was happy to see this article at just the right time.
Team member Constance, whose food blog is called Cosmopolitan Cornbread, loves Twister, so her favorite article from last week was Math Twister {A Fun Indoor Math Game!}.
Thanks for featuring my “Math Twister” post! I hope it gives others a fun idea for practicing math facts! 🙂