Hip Homeschool Hop – 11/8/11
Welcome to the Hip Homeschool Hop!!
Have we mentioned how much we love linking up with you each week?! It’s such a joy to link up with so many wonderful Hip Homeschool Moms!
Come on in and link up your blogs, facebook, and twitter pages! Enjoy checking out the pages of some of the lovely ladies around you!
Have you seen our giveaway for 3rd Grade Interactive Math Curriculum? Be sure to head on over and enter for your chance to win!!
Now, on to the Hop…
Grab the Hip Homeschool Hop button located at the very bottom this page!
Is this your first time joining the Hop? Welcome! Be sure to check out our link up guidelines before you join the FUN.
Thanks for hosting ladies =)
Morning! Thanks so much for hosting this link up! What a wealth of information. So helpful to me as a first time homeschooler. I am sorry that there are two link up to my blog post. I messed up on the first one and it doesn’t go anywhere.
Heading out the door for my full day of sewing, but did get my post done and linked. I will be back later to check out others.
Aww. I missed the link-up! And I had a fun Educational post to share 🙁