HHM’s Favorite Posts & The Hip Homeschool Hop (1/28/2013)
Welcome to the Hip Homeschool Hop!
Our Favorites from last week:
Did you see these posts last week? Here’s a few the HHM ladies loved:
Heather at A Nurse’s Wildflowers was moved by wise words from Kathie at Character Corner in her post entitled Don’t Make the Light Go Out of Their Eyes.
Heather shared “I am definitely guilty of this more than I want to admit as I’m sure other parents are too. These are great words to read but we mustn’t let the guilt from taking the light out of kids stop us from having the courage to help bring the light back and keep it growing!”
Wendy from Homeschooling Blessings liked Kentucky Sketches’ The Will to Change: The Key to Homeschooling Success.
Wendy said “I think this post is right on target! Homeschooling may look different from one family to another and even from one year to another. That’s ok! It’s even good!”
Wendy (from Homeschooling Blessings again) also really enjoyed the Homeschool for FREE Resource List shared by Every Bed of Roses.
Wendy commented “So many homeschooling families now days are trying to homeschool for free or at least as inexpensively as possible. Here’s a great list of lots of free resources to use as your curriculum or to supplement your curriculum.”
Trish of Live & Learn Farm enjoyed Our Life’s Adventures post, How We Learned About Jamestown.
Trish said “We are about to study Jamestown in our Paths of Exploration curriculum. I love to add in lots of hands-on activities and reading. That games sounds fun! Will be looking it up.“
Bloggers, by linking up, you may be featured on our facebook or pinterest pages, or we may even select you to be featured in a future post!
Guidelines for the hop:
- Link up to 3 posts from your blog. Make sure you use the exact URL to the post.
- Please no pinterest, fb, twitter, or other linky links! You can link up kid activities, homeschool related, or homemaking/recipe posts. Posts unrelated to these topics will be removed. (Please no product reviews or “marketing” posts unless they are homeschool related.)
- Please either include the Hip Homeschool Hop button (found at the bottom of the site) or a link back to Hip Homeschool Moms.
- The linky will go live each week at 6am EST, and will be live until Saturday at midnight.
Share your love for HHM;add the HHM button to your post.
Was your post featured?Grab a “I was featured” button!
*By linking up, you agree to have your images shared, with credit!
Hello Wendy
Thank you for featuring my Homeschool for FREE resource list 🙂
You’re welcome! We’re so glad you linked up with us!