Hooked on the Book Review & Giveaway {Closed}
I am so excited to bring you a look at HOOKED ON THE BOOK. It is an incredibly well put together, high quality book for all ages. The very special and unique thing about this book is that it gives you an overview of the entire Bible, book by book.
Hooked On The book is a story about Patrick and his adventures through the books of the Bible. Patrick is led by Bible characters on a journey to visit each book and learn what happens in it. After finishing this completely entertaining and delightful story, you are left with an overview of each book of the Bible. How fantastic is that? It is a book that you can read to the little ones, the medium ones can read for themselves, and even the big ones (us adults) will be completely entertained and refreshed on what each book of the Bible is about!
I had the opportunity to meet the author/illustrator husband and wife team, Liz and Jack Hagler, and they are completely adorable and had the best energy in the room. They had a vision 18 years in the making that was turned into a beautiful piece of literature that will be a treasured item in your home for years. As a former Pastor and Children’s Director with a background in graphic design and a home school family, they slowly but surely followed God’s leading and this book was finally released just last year.
The book is 95 pages and each one is absolutely beautifully illustrated. In addition, you can go to their website to find chapter review videos, word searches, coloring pages, and crossword puzzles. What surprised me was the price tag – just $17.95.
I plan on working through this book again and again with all of my kids incorporating all of the little extras on the website. However, my kids grabbed the book the minute they saw it and read it cover to cover. They were definitely HOOKED.
I have never come across a resource that has allowed me to offer my kids a big picture look at the Bible that they could understand at a young age. Run and get yours today and order an extra for a gift. It’s that good.
Find Hooked on the Book on Facebook.
Hooked on the Book Giveaway
This week, three Hip Homeschool Moms will receive a copy of Hooked on the Book! Enter here . . .
Hooked on the Book looks like a very inviting book to give an overview of the Bible. I think my 9 year old would like it and it would also be a great resource to share with my 3rd/4th grade Sunday school class.
Thank you for offering this giveaway. 🙂
oh yeah! I love this one! My kindergartener would love this for years to come!
This looks like it would be a great teaching tool! The graphics are superb!
This looks incredible, I would love to win it.
I would love to have this in our home for our 3- year-old and 8-month-old sons!
I would LOVE to have a survey of the BIble written for kids. So vital.
Anything that brings the bible to life and in a kid friendly manner is a win in my book. My 4 yr old has a small kids version bible and we read that from cover to cover and she loved it. She would LOVE this one as well!
This is a fantastic book.
I would love to have this resource for my boys! It looks like a fun way to keep them immersed in God’s word!
I love the fun approach to learning the books of the bible. Some of my kids love to read while the others would rather go to the dentist. This book (just from pictures) looks engaging to keep all their attention. I also love that they can then go an interact on the website.
I look forward to reading it with my kiddos.
I like that this book looks more like a children’s book. It would be much more interesting to my son, who isn’t one to sit still during reading 🙂
This looks very eye catching for our boys!
This sounds great going through each of the books of the Bible!
It looks like an amazing book and journey! The pictures are so vivid and inviting it makes me want to read it! 🙂 I know my daughter would love this book. Thanks for the offer!
This book looks so good and one that my 8 year old would actually want to read. I have a hard time getting him to read, but with all the graphics in this it would surely get his attention. 🙂
Thanks Darcy for this great review. Can’t wait to see who wins the free copies.
I love that this book gives a good overview of each of the books of the Bible. I have been looking for a resource like this for my son to use during our calendar time to help him with an understanding of the books of the Bible. So cool!!
This sounds like a great book! I would love to get it!
This book looks amazing! I love the concept!!
This looks great!