Free for All! Country Study Lapbook
Would you like a totally FREE Lapbook? Are you ready to add some “fun” to your homeschool day? Almost all children (and a lot of moms, too) enjoy working with their hands and creating, and Lapbooks are a GREAT way to incorporate this into your homeschool.
What is a Lapbook? A Lapbook is a proven method of enhancing, creating and displaying a summary of what a student is learning and has accomplished during a particular unit of study. Technically, it’s nothing more than some folders and paper booklets (but arranged and folded in unique ways that correlate to the subject)! These may include maps, vocabulary, creative writing, coloring/drawing, questions & answers, graphic organizers, and more.
Knowledge Box Central’s Lapbooks are VERY different from others on the market. This is because Cyndi Kinney has applied the science behind “Color Psychology” and shape recognition to these products. Each color has a psychological value, and these are used to help your student to improve his information retention. Knowledge Box Central has seen amazing results in studies where they have used these techniques, and you can see the same results within your own homeschool.
Another aspect that sets Knowledge Box Central apart from ALL of the other lapbook providers is that they are the “Home of the $5.00 Lapbook!” That’s right! ALL ebook single-lapbooks are ONLY $5.00, and packages/Apologia Lapbook Journals are ONLY $10.00. Why? Because Knowledge Box Central is passionate about serving the homeschool community and wants to make sure that EVERY homeschool family can afford high quality lapbooks.
On their website, you will find Lapbooks and Lapbook Journals that correspond with all of the Apologia middle and high school science books, as well as ones for Jeannie Fulbright’s elementary science books. You’ll also find Lapbooks for character studies, American Girls books, all time periods in history, classical composers, Presidential election process, U.S. government, and more!
Knowledge Box Central Giveaway
It’s a Free for All!
Knowledge Box Central is offering all of our Hip Homeschool Moms readers a free downloadable Lapbook.
- • Country Study Lapbook
This Country Study Lapbook can be used when studying ANY country! That means that you can use this ebook over and over again for years to come! Works well for any age/grade level.
All you have to do is go to THIS LINK, and fill in your name and email address. You will receive an email, asking you to confirm, and then you’ll receive a link to your free ebook. Knowledge Box Central will follow up with you by sending great specials and coupons weekly through their newsletter.
Find Knowledge Box Central on Twitter, Facebook, and Google+. Be sure to thank them for sharing these great Lapbooks!
Thank you!
Please share the government lapbook with me. Thanks
I received the Country study lapbook, but not the others. I am confused about this offer.
How would you like to try THREE of these Lapbooks for FREE? Knowledge Box Central is offering all of our Hip Homeschool Moms readers three free downloadable Lapbooks.
How do I get the other two lapbooks. Do I have to do something else to receive the other two lapbooks?
Thank you for helping me to get the Country Study Lapbook. the quality is wonderful.
Thank you for the Country
Hi Ann, I’m sorry you’re having trouble! I’ll find out how you can get the other 2 lapbooks and will let you know as soon as I hear back. Thank you for letting us know that you’re having trouble. ~Wendy
Ann, I checked with the folks from Knowledge Box Central and have good news for you. The other two e-books are actually included in the same file. If you’ll scroll down to the end of the Country Study, the second e-book begins on the next page and the third e-book follows that.
Thanks so much for checking with us about this!