Veritas Press Self-Paced History Course Review & Giveaway
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Veritas Press Self-Paced History Course Review & Giveaway

History is one of our absolute favorite subjects to study in our home. As a classically-eclectic family, we study history from a chronological perspective. We explore eras of history in cycles that we repeat at the grammar (elementary), dialectic (junior high), and rhetoric (high school) levels. This school year we are taking an exciting journey…

Exploring the World with Google Earth
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Exploring the World with Google Earth

Have you ever dreamed of traveling the world with your family? Where would you go? What would you see?   “Oh, the places you’ll go!” –Dr. Seuss With today’s satellite technology, you can travel across the world effortlessly (and cheaply!) with your computer or mobile device. One vast educational tool that you can use is…

Community Service in Honor of Martin Luther King Jr.
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Community Service in Honor of Martin Luther King Jr.

In January 2009 as President Obama was preparing to be sworn in as President of the United States, he was also visiting with wounded troops to commemorate MLK Jr. Day. He is quoted as saying: “As we honor that legacy, it’s not a day just to pause and reflect — it’s a day to act,”…

Intelliglobe Deluxe Review
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Intelliglobe Deluxe Review

We absolutely love our Intelliglobe Deluxe! My children (ages 18, 16, and 11) have always been very interested in maps, globes, and atlases. They enjoy looking at the continents and oceans as well as looking for particular countries, waterways, and other landmarks. They were so very excited when we received our globe that they could…

Historical Conquest Review & Giveaway {closed}
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Historical Conquest Review & Giveaway {closed}

Historical Conquest: The Journey Through Time is an epic card game where players can create personalized societies with key players from history and battle them one against another; anyone, anywhere, anytime. Each card is complete with: fantastic illustrations of people, places, events in history; abilities in the game according to the abilities they had in…

A FREE Christmas Gift For Homeschoolers From Governor Mike Huckabee!

A FREE Christmas Gift For Homeschoolers From Governor Mike Huckabee!

Dear parents, This year, you can put a great gift under the tree for your children, without breaking the bank—in fact you can do it for FREE with Learn Our History’s new America’s Greatest Adventures DVD Gift Set! This exciting collection of 3 FREE Learn Our History episodes will transport your kids back in time…

Ansel & Clair – Paul Revere’s Ride iPad App Review & Giveaway
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Ansel & Clair – Paul Revere’s Ride iPad App Review & Giveaway

We truly enjoy utilizing apps in our homeschool. The possibilities are endless and I so appreciate the fun and interactive ways technology has enabled us to learn and grow. My two older boys fancy themselves budding history buffs, so the opportunity to review the Ansel & Clair – Paul Revere’s Ride iPad App was met with…