What Is Your Child’s Learning Style?
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What Is Your Child’s Learning Style?

Are you a new homeschool family? Or maybe you’re considering homeschooling but aren’t exactly sure how to get started. Starting to homeschool can seem like a huge and scary ordeal, but it doesn’t have to be! One of the most important things you’ll do as a homeschooling family is choose the curriculum you’ll use. There…

How to Homeschool with Coloring Books
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How to Homeschool with Coloring Books

Coloring books are the current rage!  So why not use them in your homeschool?  You’ve probably noticed how popular coloring books have become for folks of all ages–from young children to teens to adults. Some of us here at Hip Homeschool Moms recently had the chance to use some coloring books that were created to…

An Exciting New Kindergarten Curriculum Review

An Exciting New Kindergarten Curriculum Review

This is the History / Bible / Literature program Sonlighters have been wishing for—a delightful, age-appropriate Kindergarten American History program, done in Sonlight’s signature style! My name is Katie, and my daughter Kora is almost 5 years old. Even though she’s young, I’ve been homeschooling her for the past year, mostly via reading, educational play,…

Help Your Child Develop Better Reading Skills (and Enjoy It!)
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Help Your Child Develop Better Reading Skills (and Enjoy It!)

Many children just don’t enjoy learning to read! Years ago when I was teaching my son to read, he was definitely one of those children! He wanted to already know how to read without going through the learning-to-read process. Some children enjoy the process, and others (like my son) just want to skip the hard…

10 Reasons to Keep a Nature Journal
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10 Reasons to Keep a Nature Journal

Reasons to Keep a Nature Journal There are so many wonderful reasons to keep a nature journal!! I will discuss a few of them here with you, and I hope you’ll share some of your favorite reasons with us in the comments too! You may not consider yourself or your children particularly artistic. Or you…

Free 4-week trial of Reading Eggs from Hip Homeschool Moms!
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Reading Eggs Is a Fun Way to Develop and Improve Reading Skills!

Do you have a child between the ages of 2 and 13? Reading Eggs is great for younger students who want to have fun and build some pre-reading skills or for older students who need to develop or improve reading skills. And the best part is that it’s fun and interactive!     If you…

DIY Herbal Play Dough to Teach Phonics
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DIY Herbal Play Dough to Teach Phonics

Teaching kids to read is so much fun, isn’t it? I’m currently teaching my fourth daughter to read, and it’s definitely time well invested. It’s so fulfilling for me to watch my older girls avidly read good books and opening up whole new worlds of learning and adventure, knowing I played a large part in helping…

American Revolution Activities for Kids
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American Revolution Activities for Kids

If you’d like a fun and easy freestyle unit study to do with your children this summer, this is it! Around Independence Day is a great time to learn about the American Revolution, but of course you can study it any time that works into your schedule. This is so easy (All you need are…

Homeschooling Ideas for Toddlers
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Homeschooling Ideas for Toddlers

Toddlers are so much fun! They are active, curious, affectionate, and just plain fun! And while we don’t recommend spending much sit-down-at-a-desk learning time for toddlers, it’s still a great time to start teaching your little ones since toddlers are naturally curious and ready to learn and explore. If you’d like some great homeschooling ideas for…