Jefferson Memorial

Jefferson Memorial

“Our unalterable resolution should be to be free.” ~Samuel Adams We’re heading into a three-day weekend! Memorial Day was set aside as a federal holiday observed on the last Monday of May. Formerly known as Decoration Day, it commemorated U.S. soldiers who died in military service, and was first enacted to honor Union and Confederate…


Beautiful Things…

“Somewhere, somehow, you too pour out value, a costly sacrifice. And those around…may not assign importance. They do not understand what Jesus sees clearly :: a woman of substance, offering gifts of significance.” ~ from {to do a beautiful thing} :: part one of a series I remember the first moves towards choosing homeschooling for…


Letting Go & Letting God: How God Took Over Our Homeschool

Whew – boy, this homeschooling stuff is easy, were my thoughts as I ordered my school-in-a-box, workbook based curriculum, for our first year of homeschooling. You can imagine my surprise when my intensely artistic and imaginative five-year-old son was not impressed with the new supplies. I remember distinctly being very shocked that he didn’t like…