Beautiful Things…
“Somewhere, somehow, you too pour out value, a costly sacrifice. And those around…may not assign importance. They do not understand what Jesus sees clearly :: a woman of substance, offering gifts of significance.”
~ from {to do a beautiful thing} :: part one of a series
I remember the first moves towards choosing homeschooling for our family. We were hesitant, unsure of ourselves and I hoped and prayed — a lot — that we were doing right by our child. Now about 12 years later, with a few more children added to the mix, I sometimes feel the same way. Especially at the end of a school year.
Last week found me delivering our 7th grader to state required achievement tests and thoughts of doubt threatened to overcome. The questions danced through my head once more.
Did we do enough? Is she ready? How will she compare? Maybe we could have spent more time on….
Surely I’m not the only Mama who wrestles and wonders at times? But last week, I had an epiphany of sorts, waking to the idea that maybe…just maybe…I’m asking the wrong questions.
In the biblical account of the woman with the alabaster box, she receives anger from those around who couldn’t understand why such an expensive perfume had to be wasted. There were more important ways to spend her treasure! But Jesus silenced them all with simple words and a strong command:
“Leave her alone…why are you bothering her? She has done a beautiful thing to me.”
He called her actions beautiful. Not a waste, but of great importance.
Reading this story last week, I realized the question that should fill my mind. One question to help me gauge our year, our time of education at home.
“Lord, how did I do…a beautiful thing?“
How did I give of myself, pour out value, release to You and to our children the better parts of what I have?
Homeschooling in its very nature is sacrificial. Time is limited, and often finances are limited. The sheer amount of attention given to yet another aspect of raising children is enormous. And for some, this gift has been ridiculed or misunderstood by others, adding to the pressure of questioning and re-questioning ourselves.
But today, could I suggest another way of evaluation? Instead of relying on externals of achievement test scores or the affirmation of family & friends…
Pause, and review how you did beautiful things this year.
As a homeschooling parent, like the woman pouring precious fragrance, you too have given something of value to the Lord and to your children this year. You have.
:: was this your first year of homeschooling? Congratulations! — you’ve done a beautiful thing.
:: did you step out and try a new approach or curriculum, seeing if it would be a good fit? No matter if it’s used again — that was of beauty.
:: did you seek to make your children’s days meaningful? — sure, sure– maybe it wasn’t cheery every single day, but can you recall some highlights? Beautiful.
You’ve read countless stories, nurtured character traits, sought to organize home and time, planned and re-planned (and then ditched all plans!); there was a lot of juggling to get it done and if you’re like me…you went to bed tired & exhausted on more than one night.
Your time, your work this school year was not a waste. I believe the Master is pleased — calling your sacrifice a thing of beauty. Everything I dreamed didn’t come to pass, and we may have missed the mark in some areas. While I’m not promoting sub-standard academics or flexibility to a fault, I’m simply encouraging an attitude of pause.
To notice the beauty of this year in your home education, in my home education. To give praise for things gone well.
Beautiful things….
Daniele is a pastor’s wife and Mama to five kiddos, ranging from just out of teens to toddler. Days in her home are filled with managing everything from laundry piles to algebra lessons…but hopefully, lots of learning & fun too!
You’re welcome to visit Daniele’s blog, Domestic Serenity, where she writes about homeschooling adventures, family memories, and encouragement for the heart.
Beautiful! Thank you!
This is such a wonderful, heartfelt post! Homeschooling IS sacrificial. I never would have thought to compare it to the woman with the alabaster box pouring out her blessing in an act of service, but you are SO RIGHT! Our sacrifice as homeschool moms IS an act of beauty just like hers.
Thanks so much for such a beautiful comparison.
Thank you Sue…
grace in the journey of serving your children and the Master.
{by the way, the plans for the medieval castle sound very fun — hope you enjoyed!}
This was beautifully written! And I can completely relate to the doubts and questions. When I administered my first standardized test to my then third grader, I was frantic and anxious. All the questions you brought up entered my mind and I couldn’t rest until I received the test scores. All that time worrying (or sinning by not trusting in Him) for naught! Your words are inspirational and encouraging, and I’m hoping as I continue to learn through this journey, I’ll be more apt to heed your advice rather than to fall victim to society’s expectations of our homeschool. Bless you!!!
Daniele – you have done a ‘beautiful thing’ in writing this! Wonderful, inspiring, insightful post. I can really relate to this, especially now… thank you. 🙂
I love how you reminded us that the world often responds with anger to sacrifices God values. Thank you for those words.
Thank you ladies…
So Carrie, you understand the quaking & shaking of a homeschool Mama’s heart…yes? :o) And YES, our time is better spent not worrying and giving over to God. Run from sin as you say…
Becca, you’re welcome. If God applauds, the other audiences members don’t always count.
blessings to you both!
This was well timed for me. I am preparing to homeschool next school year and I have spent the day wrestling with the opposition I’ve faced from relatives. Thank you for the great reminder to turn my eyes up.
Cassandra & Rikki ~
God knows when we need fresh words of encouragement…glad I could be a small part of His grace to you!
What an extremely well-timed post… I needed this. It has deepened and widened my perspective on this life adventure we call homeschooling and ramped up my yee-haw attitude of why this matters so greatly. After all our years of homeschooling, I still walk away shocked and hurt when others do not understand why we choose this for our family or worse, ridicule me behind my back. I am excited– daily I am doing beautiful things, pouring out my costly perfume on these children who matter so very much more than opinions. I know my investment will not return void. Thank you for the beautiful reminder.
What an extremely well-timed post… I needed this. It has deepened and widened my perspective on this life adventure we call homeschooling and ramped up my yee-haw attitude of why this matters so greatly. After all our years of homeschooling, I still walk away shocked and hurt when others do not understand why we choose this for our family or worse, ridicule me behind my back. I am excited– daily I am doing beautiful things, pouring out my costly perfume on these children who matter so very much more than opinions. I know my investment will not return void. Thank you for the beautiful reminder.
What a beautiful heartfelt post, truly I am touched. Would you mind if I reposted this as a guest blog on my site? I would love to share this encouragement with my readers as well…
Blessings, Christa
Christa –
You’re more than welcome to mention our post and quote from it, but we ask that you don’t re-publish it on your own site in it’s entirety.
Thanks so much!