All About Reading

4.8 (67)
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All About Reading

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All About Reading is a fun and engaging program that starts with essential pre-reading skills and continues on to teach all five key components of reading. It contains everything your student needs to become a fluent reader for life!

User reviews

67 reviews
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Personal opinion
Coverage of subject
Ease of use
Reader Thoughts
We were gifted a set of readers, so we jumped in on level 3, then went on to complete it, and level 4 also. My dyslexic child used the readers, and she really did well with them. The black and white pages were not overwhelming for her. The length of each story was just right. I wish we had discovered this program earlier, and started with the first level.
Grade levels used
  • 3
  • 4
phonics based, easy to use
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We really enjoyed AAR. My son's reading ability really took off quickly with this program and I was very happy about it. I liked the length of the lessons, they were just long enough to teach it but short enough it wasn't exhausting for my little ones. My son LOVES the readers, they are really nice. Only complaint I have is for the price I wish it included more like handwriting, but I can understand for most people piecing differently programs together may be more beneficial depending on their learner.
Grade levels used
  • K
  • 1
Fun, scripted, easy to use
not a complete LA curriculum
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This is a great program, although it may be overkill for most typical learners, Those little tiles were toddler magnets in our house, and once my daughter was really interested in learning to read we switched to something else because the slow pace of the introduction of new sounds was holding her back. I do think it laid a very solid foundation though.
Grade levels used
  • K
  • 1
Scripted, lots of hands on activities
Price, too many little pieces
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This curriculum has been a hit with my daughter. We have completed levels 1,2, and 3 and are looking forward to using level 4 next year. My daughter has always been a strong reader, but this curriculum helped her to understand WHY words are pronounced the way they are and HOW to read words she didn't know instead of just guessing. (I have learned a lot of things I was never taught in public school about phonics too!) Great program with a lot of hands-on activities and games and great, engaging stories to read!
Grade levels used
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
Easy to pick up and go, very little plan ahead time needed, great in-depth approach to phonics, hands-on and fun,
I wish it covered more comprehension and vocabulary, truly just a "Learn to READ" program
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My Son picked it up quickly with this method. He loved manipulating the magnetic letters, and forming his own words with the sounds.
Grade levels used
All materials are provided. Repetition is good
There was no writing required. I would like to see handwriting included with the words and sounds the kids are learning.
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We have used AAR for K through 3rd grade. The lessons were short but effective. They workbook pages are more like games than worksheets. Both of my boys have loved AAR and have now complained. They like the progress chart so they can track how much they achieved.
Grade levels used
  • K
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
Easy to use, short lessons, fun materials
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My kids love these readers. I am not the type that can keep track of the letters, a whiteboard on which to use them and follow a lesson, unfortunately. So we ended up using a different phonics book and we do the lesson with them on my lap and then they read.
Grade levels used
  • K
  • 1
Readers, phonics based
prep and materials to keep track
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My kids love this program!!
Grade levels used
  • preK
  • K
  • 1
  • 2
Very fun engaging use of multiple learning styles, very thorough coverage of phonics
Can be time consuming a lot of cutting prep for some activities
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This has been such a wonderful reading curriculum for our homeschool! My son has struggled to learn to read and the incremental lessons in All About Reading have made a huge difference for him. He is now able to read independently thanks to the instruction he received.
This program teaches reading through learning phonograms and rules. Each lesson is incremental and teaches a new sound, letter team, or rule. The program includes readers that include only words that the child can decode. There are also fluency pages with lists of words, phrases, and sentences. The lessons have simple paper-based games for practicing the concepts.
The teacher's manual clearly lays out what to do, what parts of the program to use, and how to explain each concept. It is very easy to use and requires no advance planning.
Grade levels used
  • preK
  • K
  • 1
  • 2
Great instructions for teacher, incremental teaching
Lots of pieces to organize
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This is the most comprehensive curriculum I have used. It is totally open and go. It is so fun for my daughter. She has made leaps and bounds in her reading with this program! Thank You!
Grade levels used
  • preK
  • K
  • 1
  • 2
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I enjoy using AAR with my ADHD/ASD first grade boy. He loved the readers and completing the progress chart and never complained about doing his reading lesson.
Grade levels used
  • preK
  • K
  • 1
Open and go, easy to understand, hands on and motivates students
lots of little pieces to keep up with, so plan to have a few bags to save them if needed; pricey
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We have used and LOVED the pre-reading level of All About Reading! My son is 8 with Auditory Processing Disorder and Speech/Developmental Delays - we've been struggling with reading for three years! A lot of the pre-reading level was review (AGAIN!) for him - recognizing and writing the letters, and we focused heavily on the letter sounds and beginning/ending sounds. This was made so easy with the open-and-go style of the Teacher's guide and the Student workbook. And can't forget Ziggy! My son often complains about "doing school" but when given a choice of the order of the day's task, All About Reading was ALWAYS the top pick! We plan to start Level 1 next week!
Grade levels used
Easy and fun!
Somewhat expensive
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My son hated this program. He's a very reluctant reader and this was very time consuming. Went to using the Doc and Jane books and he picked it up quicly.
Grade levels used
Very thorough
Very time consuming
Do you recommend?
Depends on child
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This program is very sound and thought out. HOwever it is very time consuming and teacher intensive in prep work and getting the program together. I had more success with teaching reading using other programs such as Phonics Pathways by Dolores HIskes.
Grade levels used
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
Hands on for the kids and sound system of teaching reading
Very time consuming and teacher intensive. A lot of prep work in dealing with the tiles
Do you recommend?
Only if you have very few kids you are homeschooling
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Very pleased with this product. My kids are learning so much!!
Grade levels used
  • preK
  • 2
Easy to use. Fun for the kids.
It can be time consuming.
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Looking forward to using it more!
Grade levels used
  • K
  • 1
Fun with ziggurat my the zebra
Keeping the cards straight
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After using Level 1 both my son and my daughter were reading on a mid-5th grade level. I would definitely recommend this to others and I plan to use it with my preschool age child when he gets old enough to start Level 1 as well!
Grade levels used
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
Children love it, Easy to use, can be re-used from one child to the next
None I can think of!
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This is our first year using this and we love it. My kids don't even complain while they are learning. It's great!
Grade levels used
  • K
  • 1
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I have been using AAR for 3 years and believe it is one of the best!
Grade levels used
  • preK
  • K
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
Open and go. Multi-sensory. Easily tailered.
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This is the first reading program that we tried that 'fit' for my 8 year old daughter! She could read, but hated reading because it didn't come easy to her. All About Reading was a game changer for her. Not having worksheets to fill out and having the hands-on elements were perfect for her. She did levels 3 and 4 this year and actually doesn't mind reading now!
Grade levels used
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