Apologia Exploring Creation with General Science

Designed to be a student’s first systematic introduction to the sciences, Exploring Creation with General Science, 2nd Ed. explores topics such as the scientific method, designing experiments, simple machines, geology, archaeology, biology, anatomy and other disciplines, providing a wide range of scientific exposure. Hands-on experiments are included throughout, giving students practical experience as they discover the principles behind the science! Looking at the world from a creationist position, topics are all presented with an eye towards God’s role in everyday life.

This second edition includes updates on relevant topics as well as stylistic changes. The primary function of the appendix (discovered in 2006) has now been included, as have higher-quality drawings and more colorful illustrations. Online resources for advanced students and a review appendix have also been included in this 2nd edition. This kit contains both the student textbook and test/answer key booklet. Grade 7, but may be used with younger/older students as parents see fit.

Apologia Exploring Creation with Chemistry and Physics

Discover the foundational elements of the universe and the building blocks of creation withExploring Creation with Chemistry and Physics! Study how the universe functions through this exploration of matter and energy; lessons cover atoms and molecules, pH levels, types of mixtures, mechanics, laws of motion, dynamics of motion, energy, waves, light, machines, magnets, and more. Filled with bright photographs, fun “Try This!” experiments, and integrated narration questions, this Charlotte-Mason inspired guide to physics and chemistry will keep kids interested and engaged. Experiments, notebooking activities, “what do you remember?” narration questions, projects, and experiments help to reinforce concepts. 279 pages, hardcover. Index and answers to the narrative questions are included, as well as a supply list.  Scriptures taken from the NIV, NASB, and ESV. Elementary Grades; Grades 1-6. May be completed in one semester or one year depending on the desired schedule.

Apologia Exploring Creation with Human Anatomy and Physiology

All creation is awe-inspiring, but the work of the human body, created in the very image of God, is especially jaw-dropping! This study of anatomy and physiology showcases the intricacy and design of the human body, from DNA and cell creation to the skeletal, muscular, digestive, respiratory, cardiovascular, nervous/endocrine, immune, and intergumentary systems. Integrated with health and nutrition information, as well as plenty of scripture and biblical application, this complete guide to the human body is written in an enjoyable, conversational tone that will keep kids engaged. Experiments, notebooking assignments, narration, and a “personal person project” provide interaction with concepts outside of reading, and help to solidify understanding. 265 pages, hardcover. Index and answers to the narrative questions are included.

Apologia Exploring Creation with Botany

Introduce your young naturalists to plants—their structure, propagation, classification, and more—with this engaging yearlong classical science curriculum. Influenced by Charlotte Mason and the living books philosophy, homeschooling mother Jeannie Fulbright writes as if she were chatting with her own children, defining and explaining at their comprehension level. Designed to be used with both readers and non-readers, each clearly organized lesson features content-rich narration; notebooking; and hands-on activities and projects using easy-to-find household items. Dissect seeds, force bulbs, make leaf skeletons—and take a close-up look at God’s flora kingdom. Grades K to 6. 176 pages, hardcover.

Looking at life CreativLEI

Looking at life CreativLEI started as an online journal for sharing our adventures with extended family and long-distance friends and has grown into the place I come to share and connect with women around the world. Like meeting a friend for coffee, this is the place I like to share what’s new in our lives, the trials we’re facing, the joys we’re celebrating, and which resources we love. Looking forward to meeting you!

Apologia Exploring Creation with Astronomy

What would living on Venus be like? Are there really black holes? How did God create the cosmos? Curious kids want to know, and this 28-week curriculum gives them biblically based, scientifically sound answers. Using Charlotte Mason’s methodology, 14 incremental lessons employ narration, notebooking, hands-on projects, and a course website to introduce 6- to 12-year-olds to the wonders of the solar system and universe. 176 pages, hardcover.

Live and Learn Farm

Welcome to our little plot of land and our farmschooling adventure. This blog was designed to create a community of other middle school and high school homeschoolers who desire to continually inspire a love of learning in our children with an emphasis on maintaining their fascination with life and learning! This is where homeschool and life blend into an indistinguishable blur of fun, challenge and education!  I am a work-at-home homeschooling mom with a passion for helping other moms homeschool.