Tyndale’s Play Along Bible Review
Sometimes it’s hard to find a Bible that very young children enjoy. Their attention spans can be short, and let’s face it, they’d often rather be running and playing than sitting and reading! That’s why we’re so excited to share Tyndale’s Play Along Bible with you!
My sister was one of the moms who received this Bible to read and review, and she and her son Silas loved it! (If my sis looks familiar, it’s because we’re identical twins.) I took a video of them reading the Bible together, and I hope you enjoy it. Silas is an active little guy, and I wasn’t sure if he would sit still and listen, but you can see from the video that he really did pay attention and interact as his mom read to him.
Today we’re sharing a review/giveaway for Tyndale’s Play Along Bible! Three moms were given these Bibles to read and enjoy with their children, and here they’re sharing their experiences with you. After you’ve read their reviews, be sure to enter the giveaway at the bottom of the article. And please share it with your friends too!
Here’s what Melissa had to say about Tyndale’s Play Along Bible:
My son Silas and I loved this book! He enjoys listening to Bible stories, which we read together almost every night, but he gets restless after a few minutes. With the Play-Along Bible, not only did he not get restless, he didn’t want to stop reading!
As a little guy with special needs, it is often difficult to find materials that teach things that are important but are interesting enough to hold his attention. As his mom, it is especially important to me to teach and train him to know the Bible. Also, as the mom of 4 homeschoolers who are all full of energy, I have done lots of research and have found that learning that includes some aspect of physical interaction/movement results in the most learning. This Bible includes just that–and I don’t have to think of creative movements because they are all scripted right in!
The artwork is beautiful, and each story includes references for the book of the Bible and verses that it is about. I’ve been very disappointed in the past to find that many kids’ story Bibles do not include Scripture references.
In an effort to be honest and give a well-rounded review of this Bible storybook, I felt that I should include information on what I did not like about this book, but I just couldn’t find anything I didn’t like! This is simply a very well done, fun, and thoroughly enjoyable book! I’m not sure which of us liked it better!
Jamie and Her Daughter Had This to Say:
I’m always looking for ways to reach my girls with the message of God’s love and the Bible. When presented the opportunity to read The Play Along Bible, I jumped on it.
Arlene and Her Children Loved It Too!
More Information:
This Play Along Bible is a way for kids to have fun while combining play time with Bible stories! We all know that kids learn best through play, so this Bible gives them the opportunity to “read” and play along in order to help them learn to enjoy reading the Bible and remember what they’ve read. It’s great not only for home use but also for group storytelling (think Sunday School, children’s church, play groups, etc.). And the best part is that the interactivity and fun are built right into each story!
This Bible is geared toward children ages 4 to 8, but it’s fun for older or younger siblings and adults too! You can buy your own copy by clicking here, or you can enter for a chance to win it below.
This looks awesome!
It’s so great! I can’t wait to do all the pages with my daughter. We have a presentation day on Thursday for our homeschool group and I think I’m going to have her do a few.
This looks so great for my littles. Thank you for the opportunity!
would be so awesome for my first grandchild!
This looks like it would be so much fun for my active little boys!
Would love to win these for my two little boys
I would love to use with with my little boy!
I think it sounds brilliant! When we do devotions as a family my 6 year old is ok about listening, but my 4 year old has trouble sitting still. This would actually make reading the Bible fun and exciting for them and I think they’d remember what we read better!
My kids would love this!
Thanks for the review. After reading it, I think my niece and nephew would enjoy this very much.
I love the idea of letting the kids be active and interactive while learning about the bible. I’ve got three kids ages 3 years to 4 months. This is perfect!