To Homeschool Mom with Burn Out
It’s common to experience homeschool burn out at this time in the school year. You and your children have worked hard for many months, you’re tired of the looooong winter, and spring looks so tempting. It’s easy to want to call off school and just forget about it!
You’ve hit the wall.
You’re burnt out.
So tired.
Every day is an endless loop of the same thing.
Groundhog Day, homeschool style.
Meals, laundry, read alouds, instructions, grades, credits, GPAs, nap times, chores, breaking up squabbles, lost tempers and sharp words…wash, rinse, repeat.
It’s okay.
No one ever said this homeschooling gig was going to be easy. There will be hard days, hard years even. But you can do it! These days – even the ones where you want to pull out your hair – are sacred. And the good news is, you don’t have to be perfect. You have to be present. Available. Mindful. Attentive.
The last few months of the homeschool year can be tough. The end looms near and all the things you didn’t do nibble at the edges of your mind. The F word – failure – echoes.
But don’t fall for it, homeschool mom. Don’t listen to the negative thoughts. They aren’t based on TRUTH. They are based on fear and perfectionism.
Release yourself.
From checklists.
From pride.
From fear.
From comparison.
From anger.
From ideals.
From any other chains which bind you.
Educations is what survives when what has been learned has been forgotten. B.F. Skinner
For every unaccomplished item on your list, I promise there were at least 3 unexpected accomplishments. You’ve done more than you realize. Give yourself and your children some grace. There’s always next year. Even for seniors, there’s no hard and fast rule that you must complete high school in 4 years. If they need 5 years, give them 5.
Step back, reevaluate, make a new plan. Look at your precious children through new eyes – not the cloudy glasses of expectation. Reconnect. Appreciate the unique idiosyncrasies of each child and yourself as well.
Summer is coming. Enjoy the break. Laugh again. Enjoy one another.
In the meantime, take a little break if you need one. Drop a course or pick up a new curriculum. Breathe new life into the stale days. Be intentional about bringing joy, laughter, and spontaneity back to homeschool. Have a field trip, a play date, a movie day…fun!
You’ve been blessed with the freedom to homeschool in the way that is best for your children. That’s exciting! Reclaim your passion for this gift, and begin again.
Hugs to you.
I needed this today. Thank you!
I’m so glad that Cheryl’s article is what you needed today! So many moms have burnout at this time of year, and it helps sometimes just to know that we’re not alone. I pray that God will help you to be encouraged and even cheerful and relaxed as you finish your school year.
Thank you for this. We’ve been homeschooling for 10 years but it is still easy to forget to keep joy in the center. We will finish strong! 🙂
How to follow this awesome blogger!
Awesome! nice to know I am not the only one
Impeccable timing!!!! I can’t express how terribly I needed to stumble upon these words, EACH AND EVERY WORD, TODAY!!!!!! Thank you SO MUCH!!!!
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