• Florida and the Sebastian Island Inlet Unit Study


    This 55-page unit study is all about Florida and the Sebastian Island Inlet! It includes information about plants, animals, bioluminescence, and lots more!

  • My Travel Journal


    Taking a vacation or traveling? Make it a fun learning experience with this 10 page Notebooking Journal. Your child will log their thoughts, memories and learning experiences while on vacation. Begins with itinerary, checklist, budget planning and pre-journey research pages and ends with mapping, things I’ve learned, free write and planning your next journey pages. Daily pages help your child log their day to day experience and can be printed multiple times for as many days need for their journey.

  • Around the World Notebook Pages

    Around the World Notebook Pages


    12 beautifully designed, unique pages for students to record their research on any world nation. Topics covered include basic facts, mapping location, demographics, topography, history, vocabulary, economy, landmarks, arts and culture, science, and more! This is a 14 page PDF digital download recommended for 4th gr. and up. Light color can be printed in black and white for economical printing.

  • State Notebook Pages

    State Notebook Pages


    Use these state notebook pages to record facts for any state. This is a 4 page PDF is a digital download. Have your child use these pages to record facts from their own research or those presented to them. They can be used in a variety of ways. They are light color for economical printing while at the same time aesthetically pleasing.