LIGHTNING DEAL ALERT! KidKraft Uptown Natural Kitchen – 48%
KidKraft Uptown Natural Kitchen – 48%
Number of stars: 4.5 out of 5.
It’s time to cook up a little fun! Our Uptown Natural Kitchen has a modern look that young chefs are sure to love. This wooden kitchen is full of fun details like a cordless phone and a chalkboard for writing the daily specials.
Features include:
* Refrigerator, freezer, microwave, oven and dishwasher doors all open and close
* Cordless phone
* Paper towel holder
* Chalkboard surface on the freezer
* Large enough that multiple children can play at once
* Refrigerator, freezer, microwave, oven and dishwasher doors all open and close
* Cordless phone
* Paper towel holder
* Chalkboard surface on the freezer and Innovative speckled countertop design
CLICK HERE to grab this deal
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