* This post may contain affiliate links or sponsored content. * 3 Reasons Not to Do School in December Do you find homeschooling during December to be overwhelming? I’m Wendy, one of the owners of Hip Homeschool Moms. Every year around this time, I hear from lots of homeschooling moms who wonder if they should…
* This post may contain affiliate links or sponsored content. * Welcome! It’s a Hip Homeschool . . . Giveaway Day! Bloggers & Giveaway Hosts: Come on in and link up those awesome giveaways homeschool moms would love to enter! Homeschool Moms: Have fun entering all the great giveaways listed here this week! If you…
* This post may contain affiliate links or sponsored content. * Need a fun, engaging, and educational website for your kids to sharpen their skills over the summer? Visit MrNussbaum.com! Created by a real public school teacher with experience in 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, and 6th, grades, MrNussbaum.com is easy to navigate with both grade-level…
* This post may contain affiliate links or sponsored content. * You can’t beat the deals on Black Friday! We’ve searched the Internet for you and found some of the best deals applicable to homeschoolers! So, head on over and go shopping on the BEST Black Friday deals for Homeschoolers! Find a deal you like?…
* This post may contain affiliate links or sponsored content. * Tree study activities are interesting to do each season of the year. Spring tree study activities will be different and teach our kids different things than a Fall tree study. In this post we share some activities and notebooking pages to help you plan…
* This post may contain affiliate links or sponsored content. * Welcome to the Hip Homeschool Hop! Remember to stop by today (and every Tuesday) from 10:00 – 11:00 CST for the next Mentoring Moms hang-out with the owners here at Hip Homeschool Moms! Ask questions, chat about issues, talk curriculum and receive encouragement from these three…
If you have some insight on high school graduation requirements other than what I posted in my blog today I would really appreciate it.
My state lists the requirements as units, which I assume is then credit hours? But, what makes up a credit hour? HSLDA says 120-180 hours of instruction, or completing at least 75% of a text book.
Thank you for hosting!
Thanks so much for hosting!
Thanks for hosting and have a great week.
If you have some insight on high school graduation requirements other than what I posted in my blog today I would really appreciate it.
My state lists the requirements as units, which I assume is then credit hours? But, what makes up a credit hour? HSLDA says 120-180 hours of instruction, or completing at least 75% of a text book.