HHM’s Featured Posts & The Hip Homeschool Hop – 7/29/14

Welcome to the Hip Homeschool Hop!

hip homeschool hop Remember to stop by today (and every Tuesday) from 10:00 – 11:00 CST for the next Mentoring Moms hang-out with the owners here at Hip Homeschool Moms! Ask questions, chat about issues, talk curriculum and receive encouragement from these three great ladies! Want some more information about what Mentoring Moms is all about? Click {HERE} to read all about it! mentoring moms

Our Favorites from last week:

Tanya from The Natural Homeschool liked Bible Fun for Kids’ post Jesus Picks His Disciples.

Tanya said, “We will be learning this lesson next week, so this came at the perfect time. 
The lesson is very complete, thorough and even comes with free printables. I’m a big fan of free printables!

Disciples button_crop

Darcy from Just A Night Owl chose Lextin Academy’s – The Week in Which I Discovered a New Reason for Homeschooling.

Darcy shared, “I love this homeschooling life. A great comparison between the morning rush that school outside the home provides and the luxury that is ours to spend that time snuggling with our kiddos!!!

A New Reason for Homeschooling

Guidelines for the hop:

  1. Link up to 3 posts from your blog. Make sure you use the exact URL to the post.
  2. Please no pinterest, fb, twitter, or other linky links! You can link up kid activities, homeschool related, or homemaking/recipe posts. Posts unrelated to these topics will be removed. (Please no product reviews or “marketing” posts unless they are homeschool related.)
  3. Please either include the Hip Homeschool Hop button (found at the bottom of the site) or a link back to Hip Homeschool Moms.
  4. The linky will go live each week at 6am EST, and will be live until Saturday at midnight.


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add the HHM button to your post.

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Grab a “I was featured” button!

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*By linking up, you agree to have your images shared, with credit!

So, please SHARE WITH US! What have you been up to?

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  1. Thank you for hosting each week! And, thanks so much for featuring the Disciples post! I really appreciate it!☺

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