HHM’s Favorite Post and This Week’s Hip Homeschool Hop (10/22/13)
Welcome to the Hip Homeschool Hop!
It was unanimous, we had one favorite from last week:
Did you see this post? We loved it! There’s actually a pretty funny story behind our choice. Let me fill you in…
Every week, the writers for Hip Homeschool Moms chat on Facebook and choose our top pics for the previous week’s hop. However, one of our members got really tickled pink after reading Holly’s post from The File’s Frontier about her chickens. You can read more about Holly and the post she linked up here.
Anyway, we gals got to chatting back and forth on the same thread on Facebook. It turns out several of our Hip Homeschool Moms are OBSESSED with chickens. They decorate their chicken coops, like Holly, and treat them as pets! Some of us came from the other side of the tracks and oh my…we were all ROLLING with TEARS cracking up on this thread. Then, we started googling various pet chicken items that are for sale nowadays online. My goodness!!!! Our thread went on until MIDNIGHT and was over 140 comments long! I’m posting some of the pics below that our team was giggling over. We hope it brings a smile to your face! And by all means, leave a comment if you’re a chicken lover!
Bloggers, by linking up, you may be featured on our facebook or pinterest pages, or we may even select you to be featured in a future post!
Guidelines for the hop:
- Link up to 3 posts from your blog. Make sure you use the exact URL to the post.
- Please no pinterest, fb, twitter, or other linky links! You can link up kid activities, homeschool related, or homemaking/recipe posts. Posts unrelated to these topics will be removed. (Please no product reviews or “marketing” posts unless they are homeschool related.)
- Please either include the Hip Homeschool Hop button (found at the bottom of the site) or a link back to Hip Homeschool Moms.
- The linky will go live each week at 6am EST, and will be live until Saturday at midnight.
*By linking up, you agree to have your images shared, with credit!
Thanks so much for hosting! Thought I’d let you know that the Pin-It button is on top of the buttons to link up and it won’t permit people to linkup. I used my iPad and the Pin-It button was not there.
Thank you for letting us know! I’ll check on getting that corrected.
Thank you guys for the feature! I’m glad you got the story behind it! We never thought we would become “those” chicken people, but those cute feathered gals have stolen our hearts! Like I said, I live a world of boys, so the only girls for me are my hens! Thanks so much! Holly
I’m one of the Hip Homeschool Moms that has chickens, we thoroughly loved this post Holly!! Thank you for linking up and giving us an evening of laughter and fun! It happened to be a very stressful day and was a much needed diversion and great bonding time for us on the team. Thank you for being part of our community of homeschool moms!
I’m pleading the fifth on being one of the obsessed chicken gals. 🙂 I LOVED this post. So funny. It was one of the funnest conversations I’ve had this year. Thank you for making me feel normal. (My family doesn’t understand me and my thing for these pretty feathered friends!)