Get Informed and Involved!

Being a momma to three young boys has truly inspired me to make the world a better place. I look at our government, school systems, Hollywood, church, community, etc. and realize there is a LOT that needs to be done! Being a homeschool momma it is very easy to keep with our own. I don’t really have to think too much about what the local schools are or aren’t doing, but I should. We all should. The kids in these schools are still our kids’ peers. They may go to your church, play on the same ball team, or take dance with your child.

Focusing on the government or Hollywood can be down right depressing! As much as I want to protect my kids from some of these things, I do realize that the government and Hollywood are what is steering our culture here in America. They tell us what we can and can’t do, what should and shouldn’t do, what’s hot and what’s not. They affect us more than we realize and probably more than we like.

So what are we to do? What can we really do? Get informed and be involved!

My kids may not go to the local schools, but we do pay taxes so I need to support them in other ways, possibly donate to fund raisers and booster clubs, but mainly, stay on top of what they are teaching the kids. I heard not too long ago some school districts across America were wanting to teach sex education to kindergarteners. For me personally, this is not OK! Even though our kids aren’t attending these schools we need to be as informed as possible about what our local schools are doing. The kids that attend there will be college roommates with our kids and eventually the young adults leading our country.

Politics has never been my forte! Whichever political party you prefer, we can all agree that our country hasn’t been in the best shape for awhile. The past few years there has been so much back and forth between Republicans and Democrats it makes me dizzy! About four months ago it really hit me that I really and truly don’t have any clue what is really going on in Congress, the Senate, and even in my own state’s legislation. I’m ashamed to admit that. I had an epiphany that if I didn’t get involved and start looking into government and politics, then there would be no way I could make this a better world for my kids.

Being informed isn’t enough though. We have to be involved! I can’t tell my kids about making the world a better place if I don’t show them how. We help collect food for our church’s food pantry and for other local shelters and food banks. We make baked goodies to give to neighbors and garbage men, donate clothes and toys to Goodwill, participate in Operation Christmas Child, pray for missionaries and orphans, and my oldest understands the importance of giving some of his allowance as an offering at church. There are so many ways we can all get our kids involved in doing for others.

If your kids are old enough, keep them up to date on current events and show them how you are involved. Maybe it’s taking them with you to a town meeting or to vote. Maybe a step further is supporting a local politician and taking your teenager door to door to campaign for them. For me it’s an issue that’s close to my heart. A few months ago I became a Pro-life and Personhood activist and a post-abortive counselor. Our state was voting on a Personhood Amendment and after years of being pretty silent about my own abortion, I felt led to speak out and speak the truth about what abortion does to women in the years to come. Since then, doors have opened left and right for me to speak and give my own personal testimony and to meet other leaders in the Pro-life arena. My kids are too young to fully understand, but they know that Momma speaks up for unborn babies.

Whatever it is you are passionate about, do something about it! Show your kids how you are changing the world and how they can help. No matter how young they are, find ways to get them involved. We can all do something to make a positive change now that will affect our kids’ futures. Let’s leave them a better world and teach them not only reading, writing, and math, but also how to love others and how to stand up for what they believe in.

Ashley Sigrest, happily married homeschooling momma to three awesome boys, 6, 3, & 1. Actively seeking to love others through Christ & to change the world for His glory!

You can find me on Facebook and Twitter (MommaAsh) and follow our homeschool adventures at or my personal Jesus Journey at

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  1. What a great post! I’m a mom to 3 future men myself and we do much of the same! found ya through our #hsmommas hashtag!

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