DEAL ALERT: BEST Minecraft Government Class EVER!! 50% off!
BEST Minecraft Government Class EVER!! 50% off!
Offer details:
Let me explain why I LOVE this SKrafty class. Your children experience and live each of these types of governments. They experience it within their own Minecraft “Home and Life”. For instance, there will be food shortages, government confiscation, double agents, etc. Your children will be talking about government for months (if not years… mine still talk about how great this class was!)
During this role playing class for 5th – 12th graders, students will team up to learn about and build different types of governments/civilizations. Players will participate as members of each type of government. They will build a Monarchy, Communist/Socialist Government, Anarchy, and a Democracy. The class begins on Friday, February 7th 2020 at 10:00 AM and ends the week of April 17, 2020. There will be weekly live meetups for this class!!
Use our exclusive coupon to get 50% off: SKRAFTYHHM
If you become a subscription member, this class will only be $10!! Find out more about edu subscriptions here: AND the edu subscription is even discounted right now too! So really now is the time to seriously consider joining SKrafty!
CLICK HERE to grab this deal
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